
Results 279 comments of Sven

> The second problem is that a new ViewModel instance would be created by the DI framework even though the user provides his own existing instance. This can be really...

No harms done by leaving it open. I have an idea but I need to test it first :D

Sorry, I didn't get any notification and didn't look here. Ye, placing commands in a Scope will work. But it doesn't 'feel' right. That sounds quite dumb I know but...

Well, it is a bad idea to use the ViewModel as a provider. That's true :) My concerns mainly come from the scopes itself. I don't really know why but...

Oh I missed that :( sorry for the inconvenience.

> [...] and seems to be quite antagonistic to light and high-contrast terminals, too. yep, i'm in the same boat. i cannot get light theming to work properly. i will...

`thread-local`'s MSRV has been bumped to 1.36.0 on their newest 1.1.3 patch (😠) release. That's why CI fails I think.

Would this include the possibility to run `cargo fmt` on all changed files? Or does a simple `pre-commit = "cargo fmt"` already work. Is that a good practise to do?

I don't have time right now (sadly) due to university to contribute to open source in general :( I'd be happy to review a PR though. It shouldn't take that...

Oh, I didn't know that `Text` comparison isn't possible right now. It seems like the same applies to numbers. What would be the steps to actually add comparison operations to...