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FoE Helfer - Extension for chromium based browsers
Hallo zusammen, es wäre hilfreich, wenn der Helper die benötigten Güter der einzelnen Sektoren im GG speichert. So kann man etwas besser planen, welche Sektoren man evtl. zuerst holt, wenn...
I don't know how else to call it. I couldn't find settings for it anywhere so I'm calling it a sidebar for now. When I had just HC up there...
LG Investitionen bietet bereits die Möglichkeit, Güter in die Bewertung mit einzubeziehen. Leider fehlt hier die Berücksichtigung der[ Helfenden Hände vom Saatgut-Tresor]( Die Berechnung der erhaltenen Güter ließe sich reicht...
Building efficiency rating: Add "Previous Era Goods" to enable selecting different "expected daily production/tile" to goods of previous era compared to current era goods.
Based on the targeted production of coins or supplies pr. field, I guess it would also be possible to give an estimate for how much a coin boost or supply...
It seems the production overview always takes double the current production of buildings and shows that as the potential production. Eg. a building produces 500 supplies when not motivated. So...
Hi I believe i got an error that was not meant to be shown that way, (white page with sql error) refreshing the page did help, so this is purely...
This error in calculator seems to be only when there is a tie for spot with another player. Unfortunately, I missed the chance to take a screenshot, so here is...
I really like the event helper for the idle games to see the upcoming tasks and was wondering if we could have that in settlements also for the quests. Like...
The GB calculator indicates the wrong amount of blueprints and medals, but the GB cost calculator shows the right amounts.