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Vietnamese question answering system with BERT

Results 5 bert-vietnamese-question-answering issues
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![Untitled]( @mailong25 cho em hỏi chỗ này với ạ khi bỏ "#" khỏi dòng này w2v = KeyedVectors.load('resources/word2vec-200') thì mới w2v ở các dòng khác defined đc, và nếu muốn...

Hi, I want to reproduce your experiment using notebook you provide to run on Google Colab. However, when I run the following snippet in the notebook ```python from gg_search import...

Hello, We recently received a potential vulnerability disclosure against your repository. I tried looking for a contactable e-mail against your repository, and a formal security process, but could not find...

What if we don't use Google Search API to find relevant documents before the _answering extraction_ step?

Hello Mai Long, I am aware that I am reaching out to you in an unconvential manner, but I could not manage to find any other reliable method of contacting...