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Mailjet API Guides
Removed command line continuation on curl
Added a space for DESC sorting
Hello, My sending contact is added, but on the interface, it's on a pending state. I want to validate it but i cannot with the api. I tried this `curl...
# What is the bug? **Given** a user is making a `POST` request to the `/contactfilter` endpoint ([Source Line](https://github.com/mailjet/api-documentation/blob/3a446e6488a7a9dbcfd4f6fd7ba364576f99f284/guides/_newsletter.md?plain=1#L3392) | [API Reference Docs](https://dev.mailjet.com/email/reference/segmentation#v3_post_contactfilter) | [Developer Guide Docs](https://dev.mailjet.com/email/guides/segmentation/#create-your-segment)), **and** the user...
Hello, There is a `Previews` field in a `GET template` response but I can't see any doc about this in the guide or the API reference. A preview can be...
Hello, **What I want to do:** - Based on a contact's ID or email, I wish to get the link to a contact's overview page on Mailjet, example : `https://app.mailjet.com/contacts/overview/{ID}`...
Hello, I noticed that for several weeks the properties are no longer saved on mailJet with the API V3. Everything worked well before. What is happening ? ``` //Save user...
When I'm sending custom headers using SMTP relay, my mayljet transactional template is assigned correctly with the X-MJ-TemplateID but X-MJ-Vars variables are not included in the content of the template....
Hi, just to let you know, there's a mistake in the managecontactslists contact_lists attributes formatting here (both in API reference and Guides) : https://dev.mailjet.com/email/guides/contact-management/#manage-the-subscription-status-of-an-existing-contact in the examples in ruby mode...