cakephp-adminlte-theme copied to clipboard
Overriding plugin templates doesn't work
Hi. Today I installed a fresh CakePHP 4.0.x and cakephp-adminlte-theme 2 as described here in the wiki. I also added the fix in the AppController as mentioned in #102 . Everything is shown fine. Now I want to override some elements (layout, nav, footer etc) by copying the original default.php /myProject/vendor/maiconpinto/cakephp-adminlte-theme/templates/layout/default.php to the folder to /myProject/templates/plugin/AdminLTE/layout/default.php as described in CakePHP's documentation.
But the modification is not visible. Any ideas? It doesn't matter if I override layout or element etc. No effect at all. Thanks for your support.
@oresch I just had the same issue - I solved by copying the entire templates folder from /myProject/vendor/maiconpinto/cakephp-adminlte-theme
into /myProject/plugins/CustomAdminLTE
and then in AppController beforeRender set the theme to CustomAdminLTE. ie $this->viewBuilder()->setTheme('CustomAdminLTE');
not sure if this is the best way to handle it but it seems to be working
Hi @Brandon1811 . Thanks for your feedback. This sounds like "forking" the original plugin. Yes this could be a way to solve the issue, but it does not solve the reason of it ;-) For testing I will check doing the same, but @maiconpinto should have a look to this as well ....
Hi @oresch, I encountered the same issue few months ago and stop migrating to CakePHP 4.0 because of that. But I revisited the issue today and believe to have found the solution.
Add the line of code $this->viewBuilder()->setClassName('AdminLTE.AdminLTE');
in the AppController.cs under public function beforeRender(EventInterface $event)
Mine now looks like this.
public function beforeRender(EventInterface $event)
Hope this helps.
Here to say that puting the layout folder on /[System Root]/template/Plugin/AdminLTE/layout worked perfectly
I did this to change the login layout.
Your are correct. However in my case, I ran into issues when I deployed to a Linux server regarding the "Plugin" folder. The "P" needs to be in lower-case. Though not sure if it's a server configuration issue or that's how it should be done.
Your are correct. However in my case, I ran into issues when I deployed to a Linux server regarding the "Plugin" folder. The "P" needs to be in lower-case. Though not sure if it's a server configuration issue or that's how it should be done.
I faced also the same issue but this solution does not work. even server does not generate any error "cakephp/cakephp": "4.1.7", "maiconpinto/cakephp-adminlte-theme": "2.0.2",
Regards, Ashish
Finally I found the solution.
templates/plugin/AdminLTE/element/nav-top.php templates/plugin/AdminLTE/element/aside-main-sidebar.php templates/plugin/AdminLTE/element/aside/user-panel.php templates/plugin/AdminLTE/element/aside/form.php templates/plugin/AdminLTE/element/aside/sidebar-menu.php templates/plugin/AdminLTE/element/aside-control-sidebar.php templates/plugin/AdminLTE/element/footer.php
For me why it was not working because I was using 'Plugin' as a folder name and 'Element' as a folder name where it should be in lower case only.
Regards, Ashish