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A program to call variants from genome alignment
I am running an analysis on two genomes - one with a pseudochromosome level assembly, the other with a scaffold level assembly. Using the provided command for lastz took several...
HI! SVMU is a very good tools to detect SVs comparing others. My code is "svmu ref.fa qry.fa l null ref_qry" , but some “sv.prefix.txt” is empty with [0.4-alpha](
Hello, I used SVMU for SV detection based on mummer result and found that in the sv.prefix.txt file, the length of CNV in both reference and query genomes were the...
how to get vcf file?
I got en error ruining your svmu: ``` svmu ref.fa query.fa 100 h > sample.small.txt ``` Error: ``` terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' what(): stoi Aborted...
Hi! SVMU is a pretty good tools to detect SVs. But I am be confused about the result files, the and In my understanding, CNVs are some types...
Hi, I would like to ask you about two small problems encountered when running svmu. Here's the script I used: **nucmer --mum -p out msu.Chr6.fa r498.Chr6.fa delta-filter -i 80 -1...
When I run step "make", I get error like this ![Uploading error.png…]() g++ -g -Wall -std=c++0x -c svlib.cpp svlib.cpp:4: error: expected nested-name-specifier before ‘chroms’ svlib.cpp:4: error: ‘chroms’ has not been...
Hello, I'm encountering an issue that several people have raised here but I can't find how they fixed it I am not able to run lastZ because the genomes are...
Hello professor: When I use the lastz to get *_lastz.txt file using `lastz *.genomic.fa[multiple] *.genomic.fa[multiple] --chain --format=general:name1,strand1,start1,end1,name2,strand2,start2,end2 > *_lastz.txt` some problem like below happen: "FAILURE: in add_segment() table size (4,869,542,152...