color-aware-style-transfer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
color-aware-style-transfer copied to clipboard

Reference code for the paper CAMS: Color-Aware Multi-Style Transfer.

CAMS: Color-Aware Multi-Style Transfer

Mahmoud Afifi1, Abdullah Abuolaim*1, Mostafa Hussien*2, Marcus A. Brubaker1, Michael S. Brown1

1York University
2École de technologie supérieure

* denotes equal contribution

Reference code for the paper CAMS: Color-Aware Multi-Style Transfer. Mahmoud Afifi, Abdullah Abuolaim, Mostafa Hussien, Marcus A. Brubaker, and Michael S. Brown. arXiv preprint, 2021. If you use this code, please cite our paper:

  title={CAMS: Color-Aware Multi-Style Transfer},
  author={Afifi, Mahmoud and Abuolaim, Abdullah and Hussien, Mostafa and Brubaker, Marcus A. and Brown, Michael S.},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.13920},


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To compute the color-aware loss between two images, see To report the average color-aware loss for a set of pair images, use

Manual Selection

Our method allows the user to manually select the color correspondences between palettes or ignore some colors when optimizing. user_selection

To enable this mode, use SELECT_MATCHES = True.

Other useful parameters:

  • SMOOTH: smooth generated mask before optimizing.
  • SHOW_MASKS: to visualize the generated masks during optimization.
  • SIGMA: to control the fall off in the radial basis function when generating the masks. Play with its value to get different results; generally, 0.25 and 0.3 work well in most cases.
  • PALETTE_SIZE: number of colors in each palette.
  • ADD_BLACK_WHITE: to append black and white colors to the final palette before optimizing.
  • STYLE_LOSS_WEIGHT: weight of style loss
  • CONTENT_LOSS_WEIGHT: weight of content loss.
  • COLOR_DISTANCE: similarity metric when computing the mask. Options include: 'chroma_L2' (L2 on chroma space) or 'L2' (L2 on RGB space).
  • STYLE_FEATURE_DISTANCE: similarity metric for style loss. Options include: 'L2' or 'COSINE' (for cosine similarity).
  • CONTENT_FEATURE_DISTANCE: = similarity metric for content loss. Options include: 'L2' or 'COSINE' (for cosine similarity).
  • OPTIMIZER: optimization algorithm. Options include: 'LBFGS', 'Adam', 'Adagrad'.

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