Deep_White_Balance icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Deep_White_Balance copied to clipboard

Reference code for the paper: Deep White-Balance Editing (CVPR 2020). Our method is a deep learning multi-task framework for white-balance editing.

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Hi, thanks for your very instructive nice work! I want to use this dataset but its' too large. So how to use wget download the dataset, could you show me...

Hi, I have some jpeg encrypted by ransomware, that ransomware encrypted 150kb from the header but i repaired to get image viewer and have poblem of white balance. When i...

Hi, it seems at some point you changed your code and forgot to update some commands in, specifically the first command of the pytorch section, which should instead be...

Hi, First and foremost, I wanted to express my deep gratitude for the repository and the research you've put into it. It's been instrumental for me in refining the white...