Thanks for the feedback, I can look into it!
That's a pretty good suggestion! I'll consider how I can implement something like this. My only concern is for larger servers where people could just pass around these tokens. Also,...
hm, are you sure you're in the correct biomes? seems fine for me
please share you crashlog or latest.log. this happens sometimes randomly but should not happen consistently. you might be using java 11 (should be using 8)
good idea, maybe i dont need to add scroll bar (harder to code) but I can add arrow keys to show
do you have any of the thorns stat? The stat that reflects damage?
do you have more info? can you show me what your equipment looks like? Might be an enchantment or something
Yes but it doesn't help me if you don't tell me what...
You literally didn't. It's fine, I'll see if i can figure it out.
Thanks, appreciate the time. I thought so too. This issue was more of a shot in the dark - maybe I missed something. There was nothing about inmis in the...