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Recommendations using collaborative filtering on Amazon's clothing dataset

Problem statement

Throughout this project we will use Collaborative filtering to predict the ratings that a user might give to a certain item based on the Amazon’s rating data set. This Project is built using the Surprise recommendation library


About: The dataset is the actual ratings given to Amazon clothing, shoes, and jewelry category. It has a set of users and items and the ratings given by those users to some items. Our model will try to minimize the error between predicted ratings and actual ratings.


  • Download the dataset from the following link and place it in the same directory of the project.
  • Extract the file and make sure it has the following name:"Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry_5.json"
  • Download the dataset from the direct link here

Project structure

Code files:

  • Implementation of the benchmark algorithm that is used in the project. Place it on the same project directory
  • cf_recommendation_clothing_dataset.ipynb: Jupyter notebook that has the actual implementation of the project

Other files:

  • proposal.pdf: The proposal that was previously accepted for this project
  • report.pdf: The report of the project
  • cf_recommendation_clothing_dataset.html: The HTML version of the exectuted notebook

Libraries Needed


  • Surpise is an open source collaborative filtering library
  • Install it as follows:
    • $ git clone $ python install
    • Important: DO NOT install using pip. The pip version is not the latest version and the project is using functionalities available in latest version only


  • pandas
  • Numpy
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • sklearn
  • pickle
  • Surprise (See below section of instruction on how to install it)