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MATLAB .mat-file reading/writing API for .NET Standard
MatFileHandler is a .NET library for reading and writing MATLAB .mat files (of so-called "Level 5"). MatFileHandler supports numerical arrays, logical arrays, sparse arrays, char arrays, cell arrays and structure arrays. Moreover, MatFileHandler is able to read the contents of MATLAB objects, and is currently probably the only third-party library that can do that. Since the format for storing MATLAB objects seems to be obscure and undocumented, support for them is preliminary and probably contains bugs. You can find (partial) technical description of MATLAB object data format here.
This document briefly describes how to perform simple operations with .mat files using MatFileHandler.
If you have questions and/or ideas, you can [file a new issue] ( or contact me directly at [email protected].
adds (read-only) support for Matlab objects, as well as an interface to read tables. -
makes data compression when writing files optional. -
adds multi-targeting: the project now targets .NET Framework 4.6.1 as well as .NET Standard 2.0.
Reading a .mat file
using MatFileHandler;
IMatFile matFile;
using (var fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream("example.mat", System.IO.FileMode.Open)) {
var reader = new MatFileReader(fileStream);
matFile = reader.Read();
After that, you can access the variables inside using the indexer
IVariable variable = matFile["array"];
or iterating over all the variables:
foreach (IVariable variable in matFile.Variables) {
// Do stuff
(all of the interfaces and classes described in this text are in the
Each IVariable
has a name, a value, and a flag indicating if it's a “global”
public interface IVariable
string Name { get; set; }
IArray Value { get; }
bool IsGlobal { get; }
The interesting part here is the IArray
interface. This is a base interface,
which is extended by other interfaces that provide access to more specific
MATLAB arrays (numerical, cell, structure, char, etc.).
We can't do much with IArray
itself: check for emptiness, get its dimensions
and total number of elements in it, or try to convert it to an array of double
(or complex) numbers:
public interface IArray
bool IsEmpty { get; }
int[] Dimensions { get; }
int Count { get; }
double[] ConvertToDoubleArray();
System.Numerics.Complex[] ConvertToComplexArray();
Note that Dimensions
is a list, since all arrays in MATLAB are (at least
potentially) multi-dimensional. However, ConvertToDoubleArray()
return flat arrays, arranging all multi-dimensional
data in columns (MATLAB-style). This functions return null
if conversion
failed (for example, if you tried to apply it to a structure array, or cell
Numerical and logical arrays
The simplest type of array is a numerical array, which implements the
interface, where T
is a numerical type, i. e., one of Int8
, Int16
, UInt16
, Int32
, UInt32
, Int64
, UInt64
, Single
. Arrays can contain complex values, which are just pairs of
ordinary numbers. These pairs of Double
s are represented by
, and pairs of other numerical types are
represented by a simple ComplexOf<T>
struct, which has two properties:
public struct ComplexOf<T> : IEquatable<ComplexOf<T>>
where T : struct
public T Real { get; }
public T Imaginary { get; }
// Some other stuff
All of this means that you can also have an IArrayOf<T>
for T
, ComplexOf<UInt8>
, ComplexOf<Int16>
, ComplexOf<UInt16>
, ComplexOf<UInt32>
, ComplexOf<Int64>
, ComplexOf<Single>
, and, of course, Complex
(note that
we don't use ComplexOf<Double>
). Finally, you can access a logical array as
The IArrayOf<T>
interface allows you to refer to a specific element by using a
(multi-dimensional) indexer, or get all data at once as a flat array
(multidimensional arrays get converted to flat using MATLAB conventions).
Indexes start with 0 (note that in MATLAB they start with 1, so there is a
shift in notation).
public interface IArrayOf<T> : IArray
T[] Data { get; }
T this[params int[] list] { get; set; }
You can use a one-dimensional indexer or a multi-dimensional one, which is
consistent with MATLAB notation. For example, a 2×3 array named a
has elements
a[0, 0]
, a[1, 0]
(first column), a[0, 1]
, a[1, 1]
(second column), a[0, 2]
, a[1, 2]
(third column), which can also be accessed as a[0]
, a[1]
, a [2]
, a[3]
, a[4]
, and a[5]
, respectively.
Cell arrays
Cell array is just an array of arrays, so ICellArray
, and adds nothing to it. This means that you can refer to
specific cells in a cell array by using the indexer, or by inspecting the
array described in the previous section.
Char arrays
Char arrays implement IArrayOf<char>
, so you can refer to individual chars in
it via an indexer. Often a char array is used to carry a string, so there is
a property for that:
public interface ICharArray : IArrayOf<char>
string String { get; }
This can be slightly weird for multi-dimensional arrays: the characters are
stuffed into this string by columns (the same way the numerical array elements
are flattened into a one-dimensional array). Moreover, each character array you
read from a file actually implements either IArrayOf<UInt8>
, or
, depending on whether it was stored as a UTF-8 or UTF-16
encoded string. Characters arrays produced by MatFileHandler are always encoded
as UTF-16.
Structure arrays
Structure arrays have elements that are indexed not only by their positions in
the array, but also by structure fields. For example, a 1×2 structure array s
with fields x
and y
has four elements: s(1).x
, s(1).y
, s(2).x
, s (2).y
(in MATLAB notation). This means that if you only specify the numerical
indices, you get a dictionary that maps string
to IArray
; in order to reach
a specific element, you need to provide both the indices and the field name:
public interface IStructureArray : IArrayOf<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IArray>>
IEnumerable<string> FieldNames { get; }
IArray this[string field, params int[] list] { get; set; }
Here FieldNames
gives you a list of all fields in the structure.
Sparse arrays
Sparse array is like a numerical array, but not all of the values in it have to be specified; the rest are assumed to be 0.
public interface ISparseArrayOf<T> : IArrayOf<T>
where T : struct
new IReadOnlyDictionary<(int, int), T> Data { get; }
Since ISparseArrayOf<T>
implements IArrayOf<T>
, you still can access all the
elements in a sparse array (you'll get 0 when the element is not present).
Alternatively, you can get a dictionary of all (possibly) non-zero elements.
MATLAB only supports double, complex, and logical sparse arrays, so T
can be Double
, Complex
or Boolean
(which, of course, uses false
the default value).
Object arrays
Matlab objects are similar to structures in that they have some data associated
with fields. As an example, consider a simple Point
class defined in Matlab as
classdef Point
We omit any methods (and constructos) such a class might have, because they are
not stored when you save an object of a class into a .mat
Imagine that you have a 1x2 Point
object array p
(an array of two points)
where the first point has x=3
, y=5
, and the second point has x=-2
, y=6
You can load a mat file containing the variable p
as usual (using
) and access the data using the following interface:
public interface IMatObject : IArrayOf<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IArray>>
string ClassName { get; }
IEnumerable<string> FieldNames { get; }
IArray this[string field, params int[] list] { get; set; }
As you can see, the interface is very similar to IStructureArray
. The only
addition is the ClassName
string, which returns the name of object's class
(in our case that would be Point
). Otherwise, the idea is the same.
In our example, if we load the .mat
file containing the variable p
into a
variable named matFile
, we could then use
var matObject = matFile["p"].Value as IMatObject
and access the values: matObject["x", 0] = 3
, matObject["y", 1] = 6
matObject[1]["x"] = -2
, and so on.
Tables in Matlab are just objects of type table
, so you could use the
interface IMatObject
described above and get access to all the data in a table
stored in a .mat
file. However, this is not very convenient, since all the
actual data in a table is stored in one field called data
, and the
properties are scattered across other fields.
This is why MatFileHandler
provides a simple wrapper class to work with
public class TableAdapter
public TableAdapter(IArray array);
public string Description { get; }
public int NumberOfRows { get; }
public int NumberOfVariables { get; }
public string[] RowNames { get; }
public string[] VariableNames { get; }
public IArray this[string variableName] { get; }
The constructor creates a TableAdapter
from an object that you read from a
file. You can access table's description field, query number and names of the
rows and variables of the table, and access all data associated with a single
variable. This accessor returns an array (or a cell array) that has the same
number of rows as table's NumberOfRows
, and contains values for a given
variable from all the rows (so this is equivalent to Matlab's t.variable
a table t
having a variable named variable
Writing a .mat file
After reading a file into IMatFile matFile
, you can alter some values using
the described interfaces, and write the result to a new file:
using (var fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream("output.mat", System.IO.FileMode.Create)) {
var writer = new MatFileWriter(fileStream);
By default, all variables are written in a compressed format; you can turn that
off by using another constructor for MatFileWriter
var writer = new MatFileWriter(fileStream, new MatFileWriterOptions { UseCompression = CompressionUsage.Never });
Another option is to create a file from scratch. You can do it with
public class DataBuilder
public IArrayOf<T> NewArray<T>(params int[] dimensions)
where T : struct;
public IArrayOf<T> NewArray<T>(T[] data, params int[] dimensions)
where T : struct;
public ICellArray NewCellArray(params int[] dimensions);
public IStructureArray NewStructureArray(IEnumerable<string> fields, params int[] dimensions);
public ICharArray NewCharArray(string contents);
public ICharArray NewCharArray(string contents, params int[] dimensions);
public IArray NewEmpty();
public ISparseArrayOf<T> NewSparseArray<T>(params int[] dimensions)
where T : struct;
public IVariable NewVariable(string name, IArray value, bool isGlobal = false);
public IMatFile NewFile(IEnumerable<IVariable> variables);
Numerical/logical arrays can be created with NewArray<T>()
using the provided
data; char arrays can be created with NewCharArray()
using a string. All
other types of arrays are created empty. Then you can wrap an array into a
variable with NewVariable()
, and put a bunch of variables into a file using
. The resulting file can be written to a stream using
, as shown above.