Tejas Mahajan

Results 15 comments of Tejas Mahajan

related to this: https://github.com/glific/glific/issues/3510 - here the interactive message is being picked from google sheet.

investigation needed on how the character limit is actually calculated: from experimentation I have figured that the following condition (body text + variable text + button text) == 1024 does...

@akanshaaa19 @kurund - https://www.figma.com/proto/hvzGlCIQBSwHQ70bsW5m9Z/Web-app?page-id=4764%3A1305&type=design&node-id=4764-2047&viewport=1147%2C530%2C0.16&t=zNuFcOHazORFJN75-1&scaling=min-zoom page 3,4,5,6 in this file are showing the requirements with updated designs

Pick this when working on the new designs for applying HSM template

@AmishaBisht we want to show only the category the template is approved under on the front end.