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Automated code review in Python

CircleCI PyPI version code review by feito


Automated code review in Python done with Prospector

Setting up

Right now, Feito only supports GitHub.


$ pip install feito

Requirements for usage

In order to have an account to comment as Feito in your PRs, a GitHub OAuth Token must be acquired. Follow this link. When the Scopes section arrives, the admin:repo_hook and repo checkboxes must be selected. Copy the Token (really, copy it, you won't be able to visualize it afterward) and save it somewhere.

Setting environment variables


This lib is meant to be run in CI programs, not locally, as a mean to automate code lintage. However, this is still possible. The following environment variables must be exported:

REPOSITORY_USERNAME (e.g. magrathealabs)
OAUTH_TOKEN (Github OAuth Token)
COMMIT_ID (e.g. 08a943e797af4121c1e809d3b2288bbd70dcb0b7)
REPOSITORY_NAME (e.g. feito)

In CIs

In CircleCI, your circle.yml (v1.0) or .circleci/config.yml (v2.0) file can be modified with the following code:

export PULL_REQUEST_ID=`echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | grep -o -E '[0-9]+'`

The OAUTH_TOKEN was set in Circle's own area for environment variables, and therefore does not need to be exported in the configuration file.

For more insight, check out this project's .circleci/config.yml.


After exporting the environment variables above, execute feito. In a few moments, the analysis done by Prospector will be shown in your PR

Steps taken in Feito

Feito analysis is done with Prospector. When python run.py is called, these are the actions taken:
1) Gets the added, modified, renamed and copied files from the diff against the master branch.
2) Filters the files by removing every non Python file.
3) Runs Prospector on the Python files returned from the step above.
4) Formats the returned Prospector analysis into a list of dictionaries containing the message, the line which triggered this review and the file path.
5) Iterates throught this list and send a POST request for each dictionary, with its data properly formatted, that end up being the commit review message.


Show the world you're using Feito! Add the badge code review by feito to your project.

code review by feito


The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Make your modifications, run the tests with pytest and then open a PR.