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Emacs major modes for Git configuration files

  • Git Config Modes

Emacs major modes for various Git configuration files.

The list of contributors can be found [[][here]].

The following libraries are part of the ~git-modes~ package, which is available from NonGNU ELPA as well as from Melpa.

** ~gitattributes-mode~

Auto-/loading the library ~gitattributes-mode~ enabled the mode for ~.gitattributes~, ~.git/info/attributes~, and ~git/attributes~ files.

** ~gitconfig-mode~

Auto-/loading the library ~gitconfig-mode~ enables the mode for ~.gitconfig~, ~.git/config~, ~git/config~, and ~.gitmodules~ files.

~gitconfig-mode~ derives from ~conf-unix-mode~.

** ~gitignore-mode~

Auto-/loading the library ~gitignore-mode~ enables the mode for ~.gitignore~, ~.git/info/exclude~, and ~git/ignore~ files.

~gitignore-mode~ derives from ~conf-unix-mode~.

This mode may be of use in other files that don't have anything to do with Git, for example:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "/.dockerignore\'" 'gitignore-mode)) #+end_src