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High-performance/Low-Latency FPGA-based DNS attack detector and threat mitigator

FPGA-based DNS Anomaly Detector and Threat Mitigator




  • Board: Digilent Arty A7-35T Development Board
  • FPGA Core: Xilinx Artix-7 (XC7A35TICSG324-1L)
  • Hardware IDE: Xilinx Vivado Design Suite 2020.2
  • Board: Xilinx Spartan-3E FPGA Starter Kit Board
  • FPGA Core: Xilinx Spartan-3E FPGA
  • Hardware IDE: Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7


Import fpga-dns-adtm/hw/dns-anomaly-arty-a7/dns-anomaly-arty-a7.xpr to Xilinx Vivado Design Suite 2020.2 (minimum WEBPACK edition).

HDL design sources are availabe in xil_defaultlib, with main.vhd as the top-level module. Select constraints file arty-a7.xdc for production mode, or arty-a7-debug.xdc for Chipscope ILA debug mode.

Set hard-coded configurations in the HDL as follows:

  • Set i.vhd, GENERIC g_admin_key to the SIPhash key, make sure it is the same key used in software.
  • Set i.vhd, GENERIC g_dns_rcode to the RCODE reply in DNS spoof replies, default to NXDOMAIN.
  • Set o.vhd, GENERIC g_reply_mac to the interface MAC FPGA is responding to.

Follow the workflow to synthesize, implement and generate the design bitstream.



  • GCC 10.0+
  • Editline Library libedit-devel
  • Linux Kernel 5.0+


Run git submodule update --init --recursive to fetch siphash-ref-impl.

Make sure the key in sw/admin-cli/fpga-filter.hh admin_buf_key is the same key used in hardware.

Run make to build useful toolkits for this project.

Read ./main.out -h before proceeding with launching the CLI.

Usually, root privilege is required to access raw sockets, which is a must for the FPGA CLI interface, sudo ./main.out -f enp8s0 -p.

Type > ?, or > <command> ? for more information on CLI utilities. For instance:

> ?
admin		FPGA filter administrator utilities
stats		FPGA filter stats utilities
test		FPGA test utilities
history		list history
clear		clear the screen
quit		quit FPGA administrator cli
help		display this text
?			synonym for `help'
> stats ?
show		show filter stats from FPGA (in-cache)
probe		probe FPGA for latest filter stats
help		display this text
?			synonym for `help'
> stats show
valid packets received            = 68290

Other tools are also built with make, under the tools/ folder. Namely a prototype packet sender and receiver, an administration packet builder and an Ethernet CRC32 checker.

Note, to enable promiscuous mode on NIC for FPGA testing, run sudo ip link set [interface] promisc on.


Simulation in Vivado Design Suite

Testbench / Simulation sources are availabe in "Simulation-Only Sources" section in Vivado,/

Integration Simulation sim_1 set

test_main.vhd is the top-level module. Enable / Disable test suites by commenting (out) VHDL procedure calls in test_main.vhd.

For instance,

dns_empty_test_suite(E_RX_CLK_period, E_RX_DV, E_RXD);
dns_admin_black_test_suite(E_RX_CLK_period, E_RX_DV, E_RXD);
dns_admin_white_test_suite(E_RX_CLK_period, E_RX_DV, E_RXD);
--reply_dns_test_suite(E_RX_CLK_period, E_RX_DV, E_RXD);
--siphash_test_suite(E_RX_CLK_period, E_RX_DV, E_RXD);

SipHash 2-4 module simulation sim_2 set

sim_siphash_main.vhd is the top-level module. Modify the 128-bit SipHash key before simulation, and compare its results with the reference software implementation.

Hardware Validation via Software System

Run > test all in the provided CLI interface, and avoid using the FPGA-connected interface while testing.