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Magento 2 Server Installation - MagenX e-commerce stack on Ubuntu 20/22.04 | Debian 11/12

Magento 2 installation - Magenx ecommerce webstack

RedHat 8 | Ubuntu 20.04 | Debian 11 | Amazon Linux 2

Production ready + AWS Graviton2 ARM support

get your $100 credit and deploy on DigitalOcean

to install simply call:

curl -Lo && bash

you can run in screen to have indestructible session:

dnf install -y epel-release; dnf install -y screen

MagenX ecommerce webstack - server configuration for Magento 2 Open Source

Get a fully pre-configured server with Magento and LEMP stack in just 10 minutes.

  • [x] Linux system packages with automatic updates
  • [x] Initial system optimization and hardening
  • [x] Varnish HTTPS cache setup
  • [x] MariaDB my.cnf optimization
  • [x] Nginx optimized config with security
  • [x] ELK 7.x stack - Elasticsearch latest (log4j2 fixed)
  • [x] PHP-FPM (apcu, opcache, lzf, snappy, redis)
  • [x] Redis Magento Cache and Sessions (2 instances)
  • [x] RabbitMQ message queue
  • [x] Letsencrypt/certbot configuration
  • [x] Separate Magento files owner and php-fpm user
  • [x] Advanced ACL linux permissions, read/write protection
  • [x] Chroot configuration: jailed ssh and php user (optional)

Extra premium options available:

  • [x] Webmin control panel
  • [x] SFTP advanced configuration
  • [x] SSH private key access ready
  • [x] ConfigServer Security and Firewall advanced configuration
  • [x] Nginx and CSF Firewall DDOS mitigation
  • [x] Nginx and CSF Firewall Carding Attack mitigation
  • [x] MariaDB database optimization
  • [x] Mytop database monitoring
  • [x] Proxysql split database / custom port
  • [x] n98-magerun2 Magento 2 cli management
  • [x] PhpMyAdmin custom path with http auth
  • [x] Goaccess nginx log visualization
  • [x] Malware scanner (mwscan,maldet) with email alerts
  • [x] Auditd Magento 2 files monitoring
  • [x] Automatic nginx images optimization
  • [x] Magento 2 logs rotation
  • [x] PWA Studio ready
  • [x] Ready for production.

Complete linux stack including:

  • linux and webstack settings optimization
  • letsencrypt (snapd)
  • goaccess
  • iotop
  • sysstat
  • git/svn
  • strace
  • python-pip
  • iptraf
  • nginx images optimization
  • geoip
  • logs rotation
  • separate permissions for nginx and php user
  • and many more

System requirements:
Dedicated server / Container
*like DigitalOcean cloud servers