magento2-functional-testing-framework copied to clipboard
Documentation gaps
- PHP 7.4.14
- Magento 2.4-develop
- selenium-server-standalone: stable 3.141.59
- MacOS Catalina
Steps to reproduce
- Follow the MFTF setup instructions all the way up to the section
- Run the tests with vendor/bin/codecept run functional -c dev/tests/acceptance/codeception.yml
Expected result
- Successfully run the tests
- The documentation should explain what this region refers to
Actual result
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.17
Powered by PHPUnit 9.1.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
In ClientResolver.php line 383:
Invalid configuration value provided for "region". Expected string, but got bool(false)
region: (string)
Region to connect to. See for a list of
available regions.
run [-o|--override OVERRIDE] [-e|--ext EXT] [--report] [--html [HTML]] [--xml [XML]] [--phpunit-xml [PHPUNIT-XML]] [--tap [TAP]] [--json [JSON]] [--colors] [--no-colors] [--silent] [--steps] [-d|--debug] [--bootstrap [BOOTSTRAP]] [--no-redirect] [--coverage [COVERAGE]] [--coverage-html [COVERAGE-HTML]] [--coverage-xml [COVERAGE-XML]] [--coverage-text [COVERAGE-TEXT]] [--coverage-crap4j [COVERAGE-CRAP4J]] [--coverage-cobertura [COVERAGE-COBERTURA]] [--coverage-phpunit [COVERAGE-PHPUNIT]] [--no-exit] [-g|--group GROUP] [-s|--skip SKIP] [-x|--skip-group SKIP-GROUP] [--env ENV] [-f|--fail-fast] [--no-rebuild] [--seed SEED] [--no-artifacts] [--] [<suite> [<test>]]
In the file under dev/tests/acceptance/.env, I have the following:
In the file under dev/tests/acceptance/.credentials, I have the same entries as in .credentials.example
Hi @snez. Thank you for your report. To help us process this issue please make sure that you provided sufficient information.
Please, add a comment to assign the issue: @magento I am working on this
- Join Magento Community Engineering Slack and ask your questions in #github channel.
@snez The region is probably referring to CREDENTIAL_AWS_SECRETS_MANAGER_REGION in MFTF .env.example. You will need to set it only if:
- Tests use sensitive data (referencing _CREDS)?
- You use AWS for secrets storage (you don't have .credentials file in your local)
Is it the case for you?
@jilu1 this issue happened at the initial MFTF setup phase before any tests were implemented, so no no AWS or _CREDS were used anywhere. It seems like a step is missing from the documentation setup steps regarding credentials.
I have the same problem @snez ! Could you solve this problem?
@sebastian-ehrling its been a while and can't remember but try creating an empty dev/tests/acceptance/.credentials file
create .credentials files an run the test with parameter -r solves the problem
I'm pretty sure I had a .credentials file before attempting to run a group, but using the "-r" (or "--remove") flag helped get around this issue.
This error is caused by having AWS S3 module enabled without the correct credentials.
It is missing these values from your dev/tests/acceptance/.env
If you don't want to use AWS S3, just disable it. bin/magento module:disable Magento_AwsS3
Then regenerate your tests vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests -r
Finally tests works vendor/bin/codecept run functional -c dev/tests/acceptance/codeception.yml
I have a .credentials
file in my project but am still unable to run the tests. I do not want to use s3 nor do I have any tests using it. Trying to run my test suite fails:
$ vendor/bin/mftf run:group Company_Checkout -r -f
ERROR: 1 Suite(s) has(have) tests with annotation errors or some included tests missing. See mftf.log for details.
ERROR: 9 Test(s) failed to generate. See mftf.log for details.
Generate Tests Command Run (with errors)
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.28
Powered by PHPUnit 9.1.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
[Groups] Company_Checkout
In ClientResolver.php line 412:
Invalid configuration value provided for "region". Expected string, but got
region: (string)
Region to connect to. See for a list of
available regions.
I've been trying to get this to work since a few days now. The dev experience so far is even worse than with normal magento development and I haven't really written any tests yet.
Can't just disable bin/magento module:disable Magento_AwsS3
anymore, it's now a dependant module of Magento_Catalog.
Unable to change status of modules because of the following constraints:
Cannot disable Magento_AwsS3 because modules depend on it:
Magento_Catalog: Magento_Catalog->Magento_AwsS3
You can remove that module if you add to composer.json:
"replace": {
"magento/module-aws-s3": "*"
and then run: composer remove magento/module-aws-s3