# PHP 7.2 Acceptance72Cest Output ``` Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.2.2 Powered by PHPUnit 8.5.32 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Acceptance Tests (2) --------------------------------------- Acceptance72Cest: Test production mode Signature:...
# Static Analysis & Code Style Results :x: One or more static analysis or code style checks have failed. ## PHP Codesniffer Output ``` Could not read phpcs output. ``` ##...
# Unit & Integration Test Results :x: One or more unit or integration tests have failed. ## Unit Test Output ``` Could not read unit test output. ``` ## Integration Test...
# Functional Acceptance Test Results :x: One or more functional acceptance tests have failed. ## PHP 7.1 :question: No scenario results found ## PHP 7.2 :question: No scenario results found ## PHP 7.3...