Retroflag-NESPi-Front-Panel-Control-Board copied to clipboard
This is an enhancement board for the RetroFlag NESPi case front panel, this PCB add missing functionality to the system.
Retroflag NESPi Front Panel Control Board
This is an enhancement board for the RetroFlag NESPi case, this PCB add missing functionality to the system.
This project is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. The full legal text of the license may be found in the LICENSE.txt file in this repository. For more information about this license, please visit the Creative Commons Foundation (
Soft-shutdown Pi from power switch
Disconnect the power from the Raspberry Pi after each shutdown (advance only)
Custom Reset button functionality (see Basic Usage)
Easy Temperature Control
2 wire fan control
Gracefully finish EmulationStation, letting it save all metadata, in every system shutdown
Fully compatible with Raspbian-RetroPie Pre-made images
One-line script installation
You can buy the latest version of this board fully assembled from
NESPi Control Board TH
Bottom Side:
Top Side
NESPi Control Board SMD
Bottom Side:
Top Side
NESPi Advance Control Board SMD
Bottom Side:
Top Side
YIKESHU Control Board SMD
Bottom Side:
Top Side
To install Retropie you may download the image for Raspberry Pi 3 and follow installation instruction at the retropie website.
Internet connection
Internet access via Ethernet or to set up your internet via WiFi, you can follow the instructions here.
Keyboard and screen, or any computer/laptop (via SSH)
To access your Pi via SSH, you can also follow this instructions here.
Hardware Installation
It's very important to follow the right pin configuration to prevent damage to your Pi.
- Connect to GPIO 2 (RPI pin 3) -
- Connect to GPIO 3 (RPI pin 5) -
- Connect to GPIO 4 (RPI pin 7) -
- Connect to GPIO 14 (RPI pin 8) -
OUT + Pin
- Connect to 5V (RPI pin 4) -
OUT - Pin
- Connect to GND (RPI pin 6) -
- IN + Pin
- Source 5v
Note: LED_CT pin is only available on PCB V_12062017 and up.
Software Installation
NOTE: This assumes that you have already connected the jumper wires to the correct PINS and the POWER button is pressed; If you haven't, see the Hardware Installation section.
This instructions are a step-by-step guide to install necessary software for your Retroflag NESPi Front Panel Control Board. You can setup this via SSH or using the command line interface in your RetroPie. To enter the command line interface of RetroPie, PRESS F4 just after booting up.
NESPi & YIKESHU Control Board
Open your terminal and type the one-line installation command below:
wget -O - "" | sudo bash
NESPi Advance Control Board
Open your terminal and type the one-line installation command below:
wget -O - "" | sudo bash
The script will automatically install pertinent files and configure your Raspberry Pi to enable Retroflag NESPi Front Panel Control Board. Installation will automatically reboot once all processes are completed.
After rebooting, your Retroflag NESPi Front Panel Control Board is now fully functional.
Software Uninstall
This instructions are a step-by-step guide to uninstall the software for the Retroflag NESPi Front Panel Control Board. You can setup this via SSH or using the command line interface in your RetroPie. To enter the command line interface of RetroPie, PRESS F4 just after booting up.
Open your terminal and type the one-line installation command below:
wget -O - "" | sudo bash
The script will automatically uninstall all configuration files from your Raspberry Pi to disable the Retroflag NESPi Front Panel Control Board. The uninstall script will automatically reboot once all processes are completed.
After rebooting, your Retroflag NESPi Front Panel Control Board will be fully deactivated.
Basic Usage
While powered off Press (LATCH) POWER button LED will turn ON Wait for Raspberry Pi to boot
While powered on Press (Unlatch) POWER button LED will turn OFF Wait for Raspberry Pi to shutdown Power will be disconnected from the Raspberry Pi after each shutdown (advance only)
Function 1 Press button to restart EmulationStation No change on LED status Function 2 Hold button for 3 seconds to reboot Console LED will BLINK
If you experience under-voltage warnings use: NorthPada Power Supply Adapter 5V 3A.