UtinyRipper copied to clipboard
export file stuck on 40%
Game name: (please, specify the game name) Engine version: (specify engine version, if known) Platform: (specify platform, if known)
Error message: Magic number doesn't match
Stack trace: at uTinyRipperGUI.Exporters.ShaderDXExporter.Export(ShaderWriter writer, ShaderSubProgram& subProgram)
at uTinyRipperGUI.Exporters.ShaderHLSLccExporter.Export(ShaderWriter writer, ShaderSubProgram& subProgram)
at uTinyRipper.Classes.Shaders.ShaderSubProgram.Export(ShaderWriter writer, ShaderType type)
at uTinyRipper.Classes.Shaders.SerializedSubProgram.Export(ShaderWriter writer, ShaderType type, Boolean isTier)
at uTinyRipper.Classes.Shaders.SerializedProgram.Export(ShaderWriter writer, ShaderType type)
at uTinyRipper.Classes.Shaders.SerializedPass.Export(ShaderWriter writer)
at uTinyRipper.Classes.Shaders.SerializedSubShader.Export(ShaderWriter writer)
at uTinyRipper.Classes.Shaders.SerializedShader.Export(ShaderWriter writer)
at uTinyRipper.Classes.Shader.ExportBinary(IExportContainer container, Stream stream, Func3 exporterInstantiator) at uTinyRipperGUI.Exporters.ShaderAssetExporter.Export(IExportContainer container, Object asset, String path) at uTinyRipper.Project.AssetExportCollection.Export(ProjectAssetContainer container, String dirPath) at uTinyRipper.Converters.ProjectExporter.Export(String path, GameCollection fileCollection, IEnumerable
1 files, ExportOptions options)
at uTinyRipper.GameStructure.Export(String exportPath, Func`2 filter)
at uTinyRipperGUI.MainWindow.ExportFiles(Object data)
uTinyRipper has been abandoned, but you can try my AssetRipper fork. In the event that AssetRipper encounters issues while ripping your files, feel free to post an issue on that repository.
AssetRipper is actively being developed with the intent to recover games as best as possible. Weekly releases are normally on Sunday or Monday. I encourage you to help out if you're able and willing. Code contributions can be submitted via pull requests.
If you like the work I've done and want to see it continue, please consider sponsoring me. It really does help with development. These are some of the notable things I've implemented since taking over development:
- 2020+ support
- APK, XAPK, and IPA reading with SharpZipLib
- Dummy shaders (so everything isn't pink when you open the project)
- IL2Cpp support via an integration of Cpp2IL
- Better game platform support
- Full script decompilation with the ILSpy decompiler
- Cross-platform support
- Multiple configuration options
- Numerous performance improvements
- Support for all asset types
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