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High performance Matrix Home Server in rust.
Get some account_data for the user. Get some account_data for the client. This config is only visible to the user that set the account_data.
Set some account_data for the user. Set some account_data for the client. This config is only visible to the user that set the account_data. The config will be synced to...
Get a list of events for this room This API returns a list of message and state events for a room. It uses pagination query parameters to paginate history in...
Gets a list of a user's third party identifiers. Gets a list of the third party identifiers that the homeserver has associated with the user's account. This is *not* the...
Adds contact information to the user's account. Adds contact information to the user's account. This endpoint is deprecated in favour of the more specific ``/3pid/add`` and ``/3pid/bind`` endpoints. .. Note::...
Deactivate a user's account. Deactivate the user's account, removing all ability for the user to login again. This API endpoint uses the `User-Interactive Authentication API`_. An access token should be...
Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. *Note that this API takes either a room ID or alias, unlike* ``/room/{roomId}/join``. This API starts a user participating in a...
Listen on the event stream. This will listen for new events and return them to the caller. This will block until an event is received, or until the ``timeout`` is...
Send an event to a given set of devices. This endpoint is used to send send-to-device events to a set of client devices.
Query users with recent device key updates. Gets a list of users who have updated their device identity keys since a previous sync token. The server should include in the...