python-json-logger copied to clipboard
Cannot rename fields unless they're present in every log record
I tried the following configuration to get field names matching the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions:
(): pythonjsonlogger.jsonlogger.JsonFormatter
otelTraceID: trace_id
otelSpanID: span_id
levelname: severity
message: body
exc_type: exception.type
exc_val: exception.message
traceback: exception.stacktrace
pathname: code.filepath
lineno: code.lineno
funcName: code.function
format: '%(levelname)s %(name)s %(threadName)s %(message)s %(pathname)s %(lineno)s %(funcName)s'
It would not work because some of these fields were not present in every log record, but the field rename function requires cannot handle missing fields. In particular, renaming the exception related fields is impossible.
Addendum: explicitly adding these fields to format
removes the error, but then they have null values where a log record does not contain an exception. Would it be possible to get fields renamed without making them mandatory?
I have this problem too. I really hope this problem to be fixed 👍
I have the problem too. I need to rename fields for GCP's Error Reporting to pick up exceptions.
@madzak - how should we proceed here? The code change looks safe. Is there anyone who can review+merge it? (And publish a new version)
For what it's worth: A custom formatter implementation will avoid the bug. However, it will would be better if we could use the standard mechanisms. Here is what I use:
import logging
from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger
class CustomJsonFormatter(jsonlogger.JsonFormatter):
"""As long as is still open, we need to have our
own JsonFormatter implementation that fixes the bug."""
def _perform_rename_log_fields(self, log_record):
for old_field_name, new_field_name in self.rename_fields.items():
if old_field_name not in log_record:
log_record[new_field_name] = log_record[old_field_name]
del log_record[old_field_name]
def _setup_logging():
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
"%(levelname)s %(message)s",
rename_fields={"levelname": "severity", "exc_info": "stack_trace"},