Mads Marquart

Results 394 comments of Mads Marquart

The default to recommend people would be to: - Draw background / non-important on the entire surface. - Draw user interface only within safe area. And if that's too complex,...

In [my fork of `objc`]( I _am_ [having issues with `CFConstantStrings`]( - fruity exhibits this as well, try: ```rust fn main() { let s = || fruity::ns_string!("abc"); println!("{}", s()); }...

I guess `cty` can be useful for people with lower MSRV - but that's about it. Maybe a new version could note the crate as deprecated (```#![deprecated = "use the...

I'm probably one of the offenders here, but disagree that this is a priority, IMO just get your editor / terminal / git to wrap the lines for you if...

All I see is an issue with your terminal window being too wide / `git` not automatically wrapping the message to a readable width like any normal text-box in a...

I've set up a Git `commit-msg` hook now.

I'll try to set up a CI job that checks this, so that we can re-enable squash merging

I suspect the proper solution here is to only access the `generalPasteboard` from the main thread, as that's where all other macOS code would access it from as well.

Pretty sure you can fix the memory leak with: ```rust use objc::rc::autoreleasepool; use objc_foundation::{NSString, INSString}; autoreleasepool(|| { let s = NSString::from_str("aaabbb"); s.as_str(); }); ``` See my explanation here: (this...