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Chapter 6 Listing 88/89 tests ordering without being ordered
I'm going through the book again... :-}
In listing 88 you're testing for a sort order but in listing 89 it's a WHERE clause without any ordering. SQL makes no guarantees in this situation, if it passes that's luck. You need some ordering or remove the test.
Listing 88. test/models/product_test.rb
class ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
# ...
test 'should filter products by name and sort them' do
assert_equal [products(:another_tv), products(:one)], Product.filter_by_title('tv').sort
Listing 89. app/models/product.rb
class Product < ApplicationRecord
# ...
scope :filter_by_title, lambda { |keyword|
where('lower(title) LIKE ?', "%#{keyword.downcase}%")