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Suggestion: "Team Snapshot" or "Dungeon Teams" section
I've started using the the Team section to track the teams I'm using to beat (or fail to beat) descends / weekday mythicals / T6 dungeons / challenges / etc, so that I have a reference point for similar dungeons, and so I remember what I used last time when a dungeon swings back around.
This works reasonably well, however, it's an awkward fit for the Teams feature -- the worst manifestation of this is that I have no inherent record of my levels / skill levels at the time of beating the dungeon, since the current states of all monsters are shown in the teams.
(Also, a lesser problem is that I now have several dozen teams, and the Teams section doesn't scale well at that size -- scroll way down to select a team, scroll way up to view the details, scroll way down to pick another... and if you collapse the topmost team groups, then drag-and-drop within the lower groups is buggy.)
It would be nice to have a new top-level section, "Team Snapshot" or "Dungeon Teams" or some such, which looks very similar to the "Teams" section, but adding a team here will make a snapshot of the monsters which doesn't change if you evo the monsters, increase their levels, or even delete them. Perhaps even with a dungeon names selection, though I've found that naming my teams things like "God of Brawn ~ Mythical" works fine too.
Also worth mentioning, by using the Teams section in the way that I do, filtering monsters by "Member of a team" or "Leader of a team" becomes far less useful... just because I used Devil Fish on a team once (note to self: seriously?) doesn't mean I consider him an active team member.
+1 for this request - and if there was a way you could sort based on date/time created you'd be able to see a history of your journey through PaD (maybe not essential, but if the data's all there, why not).
This isn't really possible with how the database currently works (a team is just references to monsters), it would involve a bunch of work to make a new table to duplicate monster data at the time of creation + messing with the somewhat fragile JS + who knows what else.
The scrolling issue is fixable, can make the team list just scroll separately from the team display.
What's the issue with drag-and-drop when team groups are closed?
As far as using a new table to "duplicate monster data at the time of creation", that's exactly what I'm proposing as a new feature. You can see the need (and the unfortunate workarounds) here:
It wouldn't need to be as complex as the team builder screen with levels and plus eggs and calculations - basically all you'd want is the
- user id (indexed)
- team id from which the clear was generated (indexed)
- 6 monster ids
- aggregate team stats - HP, RCV, maybe average level,
- date,
- dungeon name (or better, identifier to a separate dungeon table, but that makes this project bigger) (indexed), and
- a place for notes about the clear.
Then the data could show up in 3 places:
- underneath the team it was created in (reading by team id)
- on a new "my dungeon history" page by user (reading by user id, sorted by date desc)
- an a new "search dungeon teams" page - (reading by dungeon name/id, can see other's clears)
FWIW, I'd be willing to help some with the project.
What's the issue with drag-and-drop when team groups are closed?
I just figured out a key part of the repro (leaving the "Dungeon reminder!" notification visible), and filed details as #835.