Matthias Esterl
Matthias Esterl
@bobdenotter The source code editor does its job no doubt about that, but the html- and markdown editors have been a UX - bottleneck in my past experience. Take the...
Don't get me wrong, I literally write as much as possible in markdown, but none of my clients has ever heard of it.. I'm with you on the robust thing....
And: [The ETA for 1.0.0 is, right now, early Q2 2017](, what would work out great with ours..
Btw, i just found this quite comprehensive [list of js-based wysiwyg editors](
Some kind of floating save button would be nice. It there are quite some repeater-elements, it's annoying the scroll up/down all the time..
In theory, that's true, but with the repeater fields, a page really can get long. So if you're editing somewhere in the middle, just want to save and then keep...
Problem with this datepicker is, that is has no timepicker included. And I'm not sure, [it it ever gets one](
vue-admin uses [quill]( as wysiwyg editor, which seems not a bad choice, but doesn't provide any backend integration (images, links, etc..). Also, the backend design of a cms is very...
They use a datetime picker based on [flatpickr](, that looks pretty interesting..
Is there a difference between Searching and search?