jquery.selection copied to clipboard
Implement undo/redo when changing the content of the textarea
Hi! :)
Great plugin, I'm gonna use it for my project, but I think it's missing something really interesting : the ability to undo/redo (ctrl+z / ctrl+shit+z) from the natural work of the browser.
Let me explain
If you write on a textarea, and then hit ctrl+z, you'll do a undo changes (based on your browser).
But if you do a insert/replace from your code, and then hit ctrl+z, it won't work.
The idea behind it is to not change the val() of the textarea, but use the builtin changes of the browser, like this :
var element = document.getElementById('someTextarea');
var text = 'This text will be inserted in the textarea';
var event = document.createEvent('TextEvent');
event.initTextEvent('textInput', true, true, null, text);
element.dispatchEvent(event); // fire the event on the the textarea
(source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7553430/javascript-textarea-undo-redo)
Drawback: this does not work in IE9 and Firefox :/ (Maybe i'm asking for an unicorn feature ?)
Here's a possible implementation : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19814465/is-it-possible-to-insert-text-in-textarea-and-update-undo-redo-queue
And for IE (11) : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20124212/internet-explorer-alternative-to-document-execcommandinserttext-for-tex
In case you have some spare time! ;)