Michael Cook (mackal)
Michael Cook (mackal)
https://github.com/ProjectEQ/projecteqquests/blob/a3f6750bc075c674eb35d2b2f6bb17efcb274859/barindu/%23Njanu_Dinari.lua#L7 example of a quest we currently are calling QuestReward and then HAVE to manually edit factions, this allow us to handle it all in QuestReward https://github.com/ProjectEQ/projecteqquests/blob/a3f6750bc075c674eb35d2b2f6bb17efcb274859/akanon/Baxok_Curhunter.lua#L40 Another example where...
Figured I should give an example of a `splash_faction` entry, using Baxok Curhunter as an example: ```sql INSERT INTO `splash_faction` (id, splash_id1, splash_mod1, splash_id2, splash_mod2, splash_id3, splash_mod3, splash_id4, splash_mod4) VALUES...
I'm fine with renaming it to faction associations or something better if anyone can think of something else :P
First off, why is your short name stupidly long?
There are some ranges enforced on the client ... this maybe one of them. At least in the situation you're seeing it.
I think this could be fixed by not adding a new table. Just need to check if the spell has a rank and find the previous already mem'd rank and...
`SPDat_Spell_Struct::spell_group` Can probably add a helper function that searches over the spell book and returns the slot the spell_group is in.
> Ah gotcha, wasn’t aware that column was used for that. Sounds like something easy to fix though. I would double check with actual data, but they do match for...
Hmm well, looks like my Raging Servant spell get eaten on live ... Pretty sure at least AA swarms will lock you out and reset :P
Alla is silly is my guess. Looking at PEQ editor Sun's Corona has Fire Beetle Eye in "No Expend Reagent 1" this means it requires a Fire Beetle Eye present...