Michael Cook (mackal)
Michael Cook (mackal)
It looks like some packets use 16-bit ints and some use 32-bit ints
I think we just need to go through and switch all the remaining over to int32 now. I do highly recommend int32 over uint32 for this though.
Not really, RoF2 can't use IDs larger than 45k.
This shouldn't be closed. We still need to move spell IDs all over to a bigger sized int.
If it was so simple, it would be done already. I'm 99% sure I fixed one of the issues I ran into originally, but I just haven't revisted it yet.
I looked into some more issues that might arise from fixing this. It looks like even though spell IDs were switched to ints at some point, the clients still used...
The CombatDamage_Struct as well as Action_Struct also still use int16_t for spell ID. We'll have to handle this in the translator as well. Not sure what we should do since...
This will resolve #641
The trigger for using the newer system is if faction amount is set in the various places, otherwise old system is still used.
The design of the splash_faction table is kind of meh, but it gets the job done and isn't needlessly complex for emulating live