Michael Cook (mackal)
Michael Cook (mackal)
No, I think there is something not working right, just haven't figured it out.
I'm also not sure it's working correctly. I know it does do a kick on live.
These don't actually require a newer client to be supported (Ignoring zones not existing) they're just expansion into what shared tasks can do really.
Fun fact. All the control NPCs in CotF HAs are named after Modest Mouse songs :P
Besides the fact shared tasks aren't implemented at all ... The zones are also modified by dynamic objects that will block off paths etc.
Tit: 0x161c SoF: 0x4e65 SoD: 0x7988 UF: 0x28ce RoF: 0x0d92
This is all on the client, it doesn't seem to like that ... I'll have to capture some packets on live I guess :(
Teleport Bind is a group spell. There seems to be more to this since someone did try sebilis and it did block them. Another zone didn't.
VP is a door that's scripted.
> Yeah it happens with any succor spell.. pretty sure there's no ideal way to fix it other than hacking the client. > > The proposed fix from before causes...