triplet_recommendations_keras copied to clipboard
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inbound_nodes'
when I define a new loss function like this
` def batch_all_triplet_loss(X):
# Get the pairwise distance matrix
labels, embeddings = X
margin = 1.0
pairwise_dist = _pairwise_distances(embeddings, squared=False)
# shape (batch_size, batch_size, 1)
anchor_positive_dist = tf.expand_dims(pairwise_dist, 2)
assert anchor_positive_dist.shape[2] == 1, "{}".format(anchor_positive_dist.shape)`
# shape (batch_size, 1, batch_size)
anchor_negative_dist = tf.expand_dims(pairwise_dist, 1)
assert anchor_negative_dist.shape[1] == 1, "{}".format(anchor_negative_dist.shape)
# Compute a 3D tensor of size (batch_size, batch_size, batch_size)
# triplet_loss[i, j, k] will contain the triplet loss of anchor=i, positive=j, negative=k
# Uses broadcasting where the 1st argument has shape (batch_size, batch_size, 1)
# and the 2nd (batch_size, 1, batch_size)
triplet_loss = anchor_positive_dist - anchor_negative_dist + margin
# Put to zero the invalid triplets
# (where label(a) != label(p) or label(n) == label(a) or a == p)
mask = _get_triplet_mask(labels)
mask = tf.to_float(mask)
triplet_loss = tf.multiply(mask, triplet_loss)
# Remove negative losses (i.e. the easy triplets)
triplet_loss = tf.maximum(triplet_loss, 0.0)
# add my loss
triplet_loss = tf.multiply(0.5,triplet_loss)
# Count number of positive triplets (where triplet_loss > 0)
valid_triplets = tf.to_float(tf.greater(triplet_loss, 1e-16))
num_positive_triplets = tf.reduce_sum(valid_triplets)
# num_valid_triplets = tf.reduce_sum(mask)
# fraction_positive_triplets = num_positive_triplets / (num_valid_triplets + 1e-16)
# Get final mean triplet loss over the positive valid triplets
triplet_loss = tf.reduce_sum(triplet_loss) / (num_positive_triplets + 1e-16)
# return triplet_loss, fraction_positive_triplets
return triplet_loss`
and i merge it
` triplet_losses = merge([label, final_rmac_a],
rmac_model = Model(
inputs=[image_a, roi_a],
label label = Input(shape=(batch_size,))
final_rmac_a final_rmac_a = BatchNormalization()(rmac_a)
why raise this wrong tips? i guess due to the keras version