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Universal Offline Signatures

Universal Offline Signatures


This document proposes a standard for QR code encoding that enables two-way communication between a Hot Wallet and a Cold Signer with access to private keys, for the purpose of securely signing and broadcasting transactions and data on current and future decentralized networks (including non-Ethereum networks). The goal is have a single, inter-operable standard, allowing users to use any combination of a Hot Wallet and a Cold Signer (defined below) without vendor locking.

Design principles

  • Concise - a single QR code can represent up to 23624 (±4) bits of information. The more data that must be represented, the denser the code becomes, making it problematic to use with cheaper hardware, therefore packing as little data as possible per QR code is the pragmatic thing to do.
  • Unambiguous - there must be one, and only one, way for the payload to be signed to be interpreted by a correct implementation following this standard.
  • Extensible - it should be possible to add support for new networks and new cryptography on existing networks (should such need emerge) in the future, without breaking backwards compatibility.

QR code encoding

The common ways to encode binary data in a QR code would include:

  • Base64 US-ASCII representation with Binary QR encoding: ~33.3% overhead.
  • Hexadecimal representation with Alphanumeric QR encoding: 37.5% overhead.
  • Hexadecimal US-ASCII representation with Binary QR encoding: 100% overhead.
  • Native Binary QR encoding: no overhead.

For data density and simplicity this standard will only use the native Binary QR encoding.

Note: Base64 US-ASCII representation with Alphanumeric QR encoding is impossible, as Alphanumeric QR code only permits 44 (5½ bits per character) out of the required 64 characters (6 bits per character).


Since this technology requires two separate devices/applications, to avoid confusion the following names will be used to differentiate the two:

  • Hot Wallet - an application running on an Internet connected device that has the ability to show and scan QR codes, produce and encode transactions or data to be signed, and broadcast them to appropriate network.
  • Cold Signer - a device or an application running on a dedicated device without Internet access that has the ability to show and scan QR codes, securely store private keys, decode transactions or data to be signed, and sign them.

For describing binary data this standard uses either a single byte index [n], an open left-inclusive range [n..], or a closed left-incluse right-exclusive range [n..m]. [..n] is a shorthand for [0..n]. Examples:

  • [3] is a single byte at index 3.
  • [0..5] is 5 bytes at following indexes: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • [..5] is also 5 bytes at following indexes: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • [7..7] would be a zero-length range and contain no bytes.
  • [10..] would be all bytes starting from index 10 till the end.

For byte values this standard uses either a single hexadecimal value AA, or a range AA...BB, which is left and right inclusive:

  • 00 is a single US-ASCII nul byte.
  • 61...7A is a range including all lowercase US-ASCII letters a to z.

Additionally we will define the following terms to mean:

  • MUST and MUST NOT - expected behavior, breaking which break compatibility with this standard.
  • SHOULD and SHOULD NOT - expected behavior although more fuzzily defined and breaking of which does not break compatibility with this standard.
  • MAY - behavior that is not part of this standard, but is allowed without breaking compatibility.


Since this is a multi-step process, we will differentiate between the following types of QR codes:

Step Name Direction Contains QR Encoding
0⁽¹⁾ Introduction Cold ⇒ Hot Network identification and Address Binary (UTF-8)
1 Payload Cold ⇐ Hot Data to sign prefixed with metadata Binary
2 Signature Cold ⇒ Hot Signature for Payload Binary
  • ⁽¹⁾ Step 0 is optional as it is only necessary if the Hot Wallet doesn't yet know the address which it must use in Step 1.

Introduction Step

The goal of this step is for Cold Signer to inform the Hot Wallet about a single account it has access to. To make this useful outside of the scope of this specification, this standard proposes using URI format compatible with EIP-681 and EIP-831, with syntax:

introduction    = scheme ":" details
scheme          = STRING
details         = STRING
  • The details format depends on the scheme.
  • scheme MUST be valid US-ASCII, beginning with a letter and followed by any number of letters, numbers, the period . character, the plus + character, or the hyphen - character.
  • details MUST be valid UTF-8, appropriate for a given network.
  • Cold Signer MUST NOT add any other information other than scheme and details to the string.
  • Hot Wallet MAY be able to read other information than required (such as is defined in EIP-681).
  • Hot Wallet MAY support any number of schemes/networks following this syntax.
  • For unsupported schemes/networks Hot Wallet MUST show the user an informative error, distinct from parsing failure, eg: "Scheme {scheme} is not supported by {wallet name}".

Ethereum Introduction

details = address | address "@" chainid | address "@" chainid ":" name
  • scheme MUST be a string ethereum.
  • address MUST be a hexadecimal string representation of the address.
  • address MUST be prefixed with 0x
  • chainid MUST be a decimal number.
  • chainid SHOULD map onto a proper value at https://chainid.network/.
  • name is an optional display name.

A correct Introduction for address zero (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) on Ethereum is therefore a string:


Substrate Introduction

details = address | address ":" genesishash | address ":" genesishash ":" name
  • scheme MUST be a string substrate.
  • address MUST be base58 representation of the address.
  • genesishash MUST be a hexadecimal representation of the genesis hash of a given substrate network.
  • genesishash MUST be prefixed with 0x.
  • name MUST be valid UTF-8 and can include the character :.

A correct Introduction for address 5GKhfyctwmW5LQdGaHTyU9qq2yDtggdJo719bj5ZUxnVGtmX on a Substrate-based network is therefore a string:


Payload Step.

Payload is always read left-to-right, using prefixing to determine how it needs to be read. The first prefix is single byte at index 0:

[0] [1..]
00 Multipart Payload
01...44 Extension range for other networks
45 Ethereum Payload
46...52 Extension range for other networks
53 Substrate Payload
54...7A Extension range for other networks
7B Legacy Ethereum Payload
7C...7F Extension range for other networks
80...FF Reserved

Multipart Payload

QR codes can only represent 2953 bytes, which is a harsh constraint as some transactions, such as contract deployment, may not fit into a single code. Multipart Payload is a way to represent a single Payload as a series of QR codes. Each QR code in Multipart Payload, or a frame, looks as follows:

[0] [1..3] [3..5] [5..]
00 frame frame_count part_data
  • frame MUST the number of current frame, represented as big-endian 16-bit unsigned integer.
  • frame_count MUST the total number of frames, represented as big-endian 16-bit unsigned integer.
  • part_data MUST be stored by the Cold Signer, ordered by frame number, until all frames are scanned.
  • Hot Wallet MUST continuously loop through all the frames showing each frame for about 2 seconds.
  • Cold Signer MUST be able to start scanning the Multipart Payload at any frame.
  • Cold Signer MUST NOT expect the frames to come in any particular order.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD show a progress indicator of how many frames it has successfully scanned out of the total count.
  • part_data for frame 0 MUST NOT begin with byte 00 or byte 7B.

Once all frames are combined, the part_data must be concatenated into a single binary blob, and then interpreted as a completely new albeit larger Payload, starting from the prefix table above.

Ethereum Payload

Byte 45 is the US-ASCII byte representing the capital letter E. Ethereum Payload follows the table:

Action [0] [1] [2..22] [22..]
Sign a hash 45 00 address hash
Sign a transaction 45 01 address rlp
Sign a message 45 02 address message
  • address MUST NOT have any prefixes.
  • address MUST be exactly 20 bytes long.
  • address MUST be represented as a binary byte string, NOT hexadecimal.
  • rlp MUST be the RLP encoded raw transaction with an empty signature being set in accordance with EIP-155: v = CHAIN_ID, r = 0, s = 0.
  • message MUST be a binary or UTF-8 encoded message to sign WITHOUT any prefixes (EIP-191 or otherwise).
  • hash MUST be a valid keccak256 hash of either a transaction or a correctly prefixed message.
  • Hot Wallet SHOULD always prefer sending either a full raw transaction or full message instead of a hash to sign, so that the user can verify that the the Cold Signer is signing what the Hot Wallet presented them with. Occasionally this might be completely impractical (the message or the transaction is megabytes long and not suitable for Multipart Payload).
  • Cold Signer SHOULD decode the transaction details from the RLP and display them to the user, so that they can verify that the transaction hasn't been altered by the Hot Wallet.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD attempt to decode the message as UTF-8 encoded human readable string by whatever heuristics it finds suitable and display it to the user, so that the user can verify that the message hasn't been altered by the Hot Wallet.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD warn the user that signing a hash is inherently insecure, because there is no easy way for the user to verify whether they are signing what they intended to sign.
  • Hot Wallet SHOULD have a way to show Legacy Ethereum Payload at user request.

TODO: Handle EIP-712 typed data.

Substrate Payload

Byte 53 is the US-ASCII byte representing the capital letter S. Substrate Payload follows the table:

Action [0] [1] [2] [1..1+L] [1+L..]
Sign a transaction 53 crypto 00 accountid payload
Sign a transaction 53 crypto 01 accountid payload_hash
Sign an immortal transaction 53 crypto 02 accountid immortal_payload
Sign a message 53 crypto 03 accountid message
  • crypto MUST be a recognised cryptographic algorithm. It implies the value of the accountid length, L. This MUST be one byte whose value is one of:
    • 0x00: Ed25519 (L = 32)
    • 0x01: Schnorr/Ristretto x25519 (L = 32)
  • accountid MUST be exactly L bytes long.
  • accountid MUST be represented as a binary byte string, NOT hexadecimal.
  • payload MUST be the SCALE encoding of the tuple of transaction items (nonce, call, era_description, era_header).
  • payload_hash MUST be the Blake2s 32-byte hash of the SCALE encoding of the tuple of transaction items (nonce, call, era_description, era_header).
  • immortal_payload MUST be the SCALE encoding of the tuple of transaction items (nonce, call).
  • Hot Wallet MUST use type 00 for signing a standard transaction type if the length of the payload is 256 bytes or fewer.
  • Hot Wallet SHOULD always prefer using type 00 even if the length of the payload is greater than 256 bytes since this allows the full payload to be provided and decoded for the user. If doing that is completely impractical (the message or the transaction is megabytes long and not suitable for Multipart Payload), type 01 may be used alternatively.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD decode the transaction details from the SCALE encoding and display them to the user for verification before signing.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD attempt to decode the message as UTF-8 encoded human readable string by whatever heuristics it finds suitable and display it to the user for verification before signing.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD warn the user that signing a hash is inherently insecure, in the cash of type 01.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD (at the user's discretion) sign the message, immortal_payload, or payload if payload is of length 256 bytes or fewer. If payload is longer than 256 bytes, then it SHOULD instead sign the Blake2s hash of payload.
  • Cold Signer SHOULD display all account id values in SS58Check encoding.

Legacy Ethereum Payload

Byte 7B is the US-ASCII byte representing open curly brace {, for that reason it's treated as a prefix for older, deprecated format. This Payload should be decoded in full as UTF-8 encoded JSON, following either of the two variants:

  "action": "signTransaction",
  "data": {
    "account": ADDRESS,
    "rlp": RLP


  "action": "signData",
    "account": ADDRESS,
    "data": MESSAGE
  • ADDRESS MUST be a hexadecimal string representation of the address, exactly 40 characters long.
  • ADDRESS MUST NOT include the 0x prefix.
  • RLP MUST be a hexadecimal string representation of the RLP encoded raw transaction with an empty signature being set in accordance with EIP-155: v = CHAIN_ID, r = 0, s = 0.
  • RLP MUST NOT include the 0x prefix.
  • DATA MUST be a hexadecimal string representation of a binary or UTF-8 encoded message to sign WITHOUT any prefixes (EIP-191 or otherwise).
  • DATA MUST NOT include the 0x prefix.
  • All SHOULDs from Ethereum Payload apply here as well.
  • Legacy Ethereum Payload does not support signing raw hashes.

Signature Step

Signatures will vary on type of payload that is being signed.

Ethereum Signature

Ethereum signature must follow one of the two following formats:

[0] [1..33] [33..65] [66]
01 r s v


[0..64] [64..128] [128..130]
  • Cold Signer SHOULD prefer the first format as it's more concise.
  • Hot Wallet MUST first check byte length and assume second format if length equals 130.
  • Hot Wallet MUST support both formats.
  • r MUST be binary r value of the Secp256k1 signature for the signed Payload.
  • s MUST be binary s value of the Secp256k1 signature for the signed Payload.
  • v MUST be binary v value of the Secp256k1 signature for the signed Payload.
  • HEX_R MUST be a hexadecimal representation of r value of the Secp256k1 signature for the signed Payload.
  • HEX_S MUST be a hexadecimal representation of s value of the Secp256k1 signature for the signed Payload.
  • HEX_V MUST be a hexadecimal representation of b value of the Secp256k1 signature for the signed Payload.
  • HEX_R, HEX_S, and HEX_V MUST NOT be prefixed with 0x.
  • v and HEX_V MUST NOT be combined with CHAIN_ID.
  • Hot Wallet MUST fold CHAIN_ID into the v value when constructing final transaction RLP.

Pseudocode for folding in CHAIN_ID into v:

if chainId > 0 {
    v += (chainId * 2 + 8) & 0xFF;

Substrate Signature



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