OP-FUD copied to clipboard
Generate FUD Droppers that are undetectable by popular AV's
Generate FUD Droppers
- Make Sure your Payload Url Look like that:- htxxs://yoursite.com/payload.exe
- Make Sure Python3 And Pip Installed In Windows Or Linux
- pip install termcolor
- pip install pystyle
For Fully FUD Droppers And Crypters, Technqiues....Message Me on:- Telegram:- @R0ot1337
How To Install:
- git clone https://github.com/machine1337/OP-FUD
- cd OP-FUD
- python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt [For Linux]
- python -m pip install -r requirements.txt [For Windows]
- python3 drop.py [For Linux]
- python drop.py [For Windows]
How To Run:-
*:- For Windows:-
- Make Sure python3 and pip is installed and requriements also installed
- open cmd prompt and then type:- python drop.py
*:- For Linux:-
- Make Sure All Requriements is installed.
- python3 drop.py
- Bat Dropper FUD
- CMD Dropper FUD
- Powershell Dropper FUD
- VBS Dropper (0/26) Antiscan.me
- Delete Itself After Payload Runs
- Very Simple And Custom Obfuscation Used
Telegram Group:- https://t.me/machine1337
Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.