Is this still an issue on stable 1.0.0?
the commit is a little bit dirty, nevertheless it fixes the problem:
Maybe Sony doesn't provide Quickstep support for launchers other the built-in. Do you face this issue with other launcher3-based launchers e.g. Lawnchair?
Neo Launcher is still based on AOSP 12 and we'll start migration to AOSP 13 next year, which should bring some of those MD3 changes with it.
@Seandylan123 nope, it doesn't. Just check other AOSP based launchers (other than the pixel launcher, maybe a simple ROM launcher would do it). Plus, we wrote the whole settings ourselves...
A13's Themed icons aren't supported by 0.9.3 but will be supported in the upcoming 1.0.0. We'll keep the issue open to avoid duplicates for now.
Actually I'm planning a future UX-refactor for search functionality which would mostly cover this need. Here's some details of the main points: - Ability to select multiple search engines in...
Yup, both are on my - now days very long - todo-list. For 2. I think we may use [this API](, but I don't know if we should implement it...
Thanks, we'll be coming back to this soon enough as we get over 1.0.0 alpha stage
I think for this we should add a hide option to each of the tabs, simply in the groups editor