Mat Kelly

Results 550 comments of Mat Kelly

Unable to replicate this behavior in the current main branch on macOS 10.15.6.

If Google Chrome (and I presume anything but IE) is the default browser on a Windows 7 system, #125 is produced but the user is routed correctly instead of iexplore...

On Windows 10, the browser is launched (default:IE) but the URI and prefixed credentials are loaded. Testing a related form of this independently in Windows 10 (py 3.8) via: ```...

`webbrowser.open_new_tab('https://localhost')` works but prepending the credentials via `webbrowser.open_new_tab('https://lorem:ipsum@localhost')` causes IE to open its default homepage. Perhaps this is just an IE bug. Will need to test out in Edge and...

If both Java 7 and 8 SDKs are installed, simply removing the Java 8 directory from /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines will revert to the more suitable JDK 7. OS X 10.10.3

Might be fixed with cf520f3a30db940a7ba8893ae77445a9bf34a11f.

Particularly problematic (for Windows) now that Oracle no longer distributes Java 7. We still a copy of Java 7 for macOS usage but perhaps it is no longer necessary.

Consider using the user's /Library directory in OS X or giving the ability to set these values on first start.

QuickSilver uses this approach (see attached pic). ![qs](