AU_R-CNN copied to clipboard
Unable to run demo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 255, in
are you able to load the pretrained model? @swetha-sree
@swetha-sree @dev-srikanth I am hurry for preparing another paper these days, you probably need to provide more detail information? And I will answer you in about 1 month layer. You can fix the bug by yourself.
Alternatively, you can use AU_rcnn/ --evaluate
to test F1 score, this demo is only to visualize the detection result on the face.
@dev-srikanth i was able to load the pretrained model correctly "ResNet-101-model.npz"
you should use int in Everywhere in list of code for example config.AU_SQUEEZE[int(class_idx)] instead of config.AU_SQUEEZE[class_idx] you can copy and paste bottom code in demo
import argparse import random from PIL import Image from img_toolkit.face_landmark import FaceLandMark import cv2 import numpy as np import os from dataset_toolkit.adaptive_AU_config import adaptive_AU_database from img_toolkit.geometry_utils import sort_clockwise import config from img_toolkit.face_mask_cropper import FaceMaskCropper from AU_rcnn.links.model.faster_rcnn import FasterRCNNResnet101
from AU_rcnn.links.model.faster_rcnn.faster_rcnn_vgg import FasterRCNNVGG16
from dataset_toolkit.compress_utils import get_zip_ROI_AU, get_AU_couple_child import chainer from chainer.dataset.convert import concat_examples import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from collections import defaultdict import chainer.functions as F
class HeatMapGenerator(chainer.Chain): def init(self, weight_param, use_relu):
first_fc_weight = weight_param['head/fc/W'] # shape = (1000, 2048)
first_fc_bias = weight_param['head/fc/b'] # shape = (1000, )
self.use_relu = use_relu
second_score_weight = weight_param['head/score/W'] # (12,1000)
second_score_bias = weight_param['head/score/b'] # (12, )
super(HeatMapGenerator, self).__init__()
with self.init_scope():
self.last_conv = chainer.links.Convolution2D(2048, 1000, 1, nobias=False) = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(first_fc_weight, axis=-1), axis=-1) # shape = (1000, 2048, 1, 1) = first_fc_bias # (1000,)
self.score_conv = chainer.links.Convolution2D(1000, 12, 1, nobias=False) = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(second_score_weight, axis=-1), axis=-1) # shape=(22,1000,1,1) = second_score_bias # (12 for DISFA 22 for BPFD, )
def generate_AUCouple_ROI_mask_image(self, database_name, img_path, roi_activate):
cropped_face, AU_mask_dict = FaceMaskCropper.get_cropface_and_mask(img_path, channel_first=False)
AU_couple_dict = get_zip_ROI_AU()
land = FaceLandMark(
landmark, _, _ = land.landmark(image=cropped_face)
roi_polygons = land.split_ROI(landmark)
for roi_no, polygon_vertex_arr in roi_polygons.items():
polygon_vertex_arr[0, :] = np.round(polygon_vertex_arr[0, :])
polygon_vertex_arr[1, :] = np.round(polygon_vertex_arr[1, :])
polygon_vertex_arr = sort_clockwise(polygon_vertex_arr.tolist())
cv2.polylines(cropped_face, [polygon_vertex_arr], True, (0,0,255), thickness=1)
cv2.putText(cropped_face, str(roi_no), tuple(np.mean(polygon_vertex_arr, axis=0).astype(np.int32)),
font, 0.7, (0, 255, 255), thickness=1)
already_fill_AU = set()
AUCouple_face_dict = dict()
for AU in config.AU_ROI.keys():
AU_couple = AU_couple_dict[AU]
if AU_couple in already_fill_AU or AU_couple not in roi_activate:
mask = AU_mask_dict[AU]
color_mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
color_mask[mask != 0] = (199,21,133)
new_face = cv2.add(cropped_face, color_mask)
AUCouple_face_dict[AU_couple] = new_face
return AUCouple_face_dict
# generate one class's activate map, weight_for_class
def generate_activate_roi_map(self, roi_feature_map, roi_orig_size):
# roi_feature_map = 7 x 7 x 2048
assert roi_feature_map.shape[0] == 1
roi_feature_map = self.last_conv(roi_feature_map) # N, 1000, 7, 7
if self.use_relu:
roi_feature_map = F.relu(roi_feature_map) # N,1000, 7, 7
roi_feature_map = self.score_conv(roi_feature_map) # N, 22, 7, 7 # 22 means class number
roi_feature_map = F.resize_images(roi_feature_map, roi_orig_size) # reshape to roi_orig_size
activation_map = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(
activation_map -= activation_map.min()
activation_map /= activation_map.max()
activation_map = activation_map[0] # 22, roi_h, roi_w
return activation_map
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='generate Graph desc file script') parser.add_argument('--mean', default=config.ROOT_PATH + "DISFA/idx/mean_rgb.npy", help='image mean .npy file') parser.add_argument("--image", default='/home/amin/Code/MyCode/Dataset/DISFA/Img_LeftCamera/SN001/280.jpg') parser.add_argument("--model", default="/media/amin/28fc7363-f180-4701-bbdc-d3dd28beb15a/adminstrator/resault/pre/3_fold_3_resnet101_linear_model_snapshot.npz") parser.add_argument("--pretrained_model_name", '-premodel', default='resnet101') parser.add_argument('--database', default='DISFA', help='Output directory') parser.add_argument('--device', default=0, type=int, help='GPU device number') args = parser.parse_args() adaptive_AU_database(args.database)
if args.pretrained_model_name == "resnet101":
faster_rcnn = FasterRCNNResnet101(n_fg_class=len(config.AU_SQUEEZE),
extract_len=1000) # 可改为/home/machen/face_expr/result/snapshot_model.npz
elif args.pretrained_model_name == "vgg":
faster_rcnn = FasterRCNNVGG16(n_fg_class=len(config.AU_SQUEEZE),
if os.path.exists(args.model):
print("loading pretrained snapshot:{}".format(args.model))
chainer.serializers.load_npz(args.model, faster_rcnn)
if args.device >= 0:
heatmap_gen = HeatMapGenerator(np.load(args.model), use_relu=True)
if args.device >= 0:
cropped_face, AU_box_dict = FaceMaskCropper.get_cropface_and_box(args.image,args.image, channel_first=True)
# cropped_face=np.transpose(cropped_face, (1, 2, 0))
# cv2.imshow('cropped',np.transpose(cropped_face, (2, 1, 0)))
# color = (0, 0, 255)
# image = cv2.UMat(cropped_face).get()
# for AU,box in AU_box_dict.items():
# cv2.rectangle(image, box[0][0:2], box[0][2:4], color, 2)
# cv2.imshow('roi_{}'.format(AU), image)
au_couple_dict = get_zip_ROI_AU()
au_couple_child = get_AU_couple_child(au_couple_dict) # AU couple tuple => child fetch list
au_couple_box = dict() # value is box (4 tuple coordinate) list
for AU, AU_couple in au_couple_dict.items():
au_couple_box[AU_couple] = AU_box_dict[AU]
box_lst = []
roi_no_AU_couple_dict = dict()
roi_no = 0
for AU_couple, couple_box_lst in au_couple_box.items():
for _ in couple_box_lst:
roi_no_AU_couple_dict[roi_no] = AU_couple
roi_no += 1
box_lst = np.asarray(box_lst)
cropped_face = cropped_face.astype(np.float32)
orig_face = cropped_face
cropped_face = faster_rcnn.prepare(cropped_face) # substract mean pixel value
# cv2.imshow('sub_min', np.transpose(cropped_face, (1, 2, 0)))
box_lst = box_lst.astype(np.float32)
orig_box_lst = box_lst
batch = [(cropped_face, box_lst), ]
cropped_face, box_lst = concat_examples(batch, args.device) # N,3, H, W, ; N, F, 4
if box_lst.shape[1] != config.BOX_NUM[args.database]:
print("error box num {0} != {1}".format(box_lst.shape[1], config.BOX_NUM[args.database]))
with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config("train",False):
cropped_face = chainer.Variable(cropped_face)
box_lst = chainer.Variable(box_lst)
roi_preds, _ = faster_rcnn.predict(cropped_face, box_lst) # R, 22
roi_feature_maps = faster_rcnn.extract(orig_face, orig_box_lst, 'res5') # R, 2048 7,7
roi_images = []
box_lst = box_lst[0].data.astype(np.int32)
for box in box_lst:
y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = box
roi_image = orig_face[:, int(y_min):int(y_max)+1, int(x_min):int(x_max)+1] # N, 3, roi_H, roi_W
# cv2.imshow('roi',np.transpose(roi_image, (1, 2, 0)))
roi_images.append(roi_image) # list of N, 3, roi_H, roi_W
cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
# image_activate_map = np.zeros((cropped_face.shape[2], cropped_face.shape[3]), dtype=np.float32)
for box_id, (roi_image, roi_feature_map) in enumerate(zip(roi_images, roi_feature_maps)):
y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = box_lst[box_id]
# 22, roi_h, roi_w, 3
xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(roi_feature_map)
roi_feature_map = xp.expand_dims(roi_feature_map, 0)
# class_roi_overlay_img = 22, roi_h, roi_w
class_roi_activate_img = heatmap_gen.generate_activate_roi_map(roi_feature_map, (int(y_max)-int(y_min)+1, int(x_max)-int(x_min)+1))
roi_pred = roi_preds[box_id] # 22
# choice_activate_map = np.zeros((y_max-y_min+1, x_max-x_min+1), dtype=np.float32)
# use_choice = False
if len(np.nonzero(roi_pred)[0]) > 0: # TODO : 还要做做 class的选择,以及 heatmap采用cv2.add的模式相加
class_idx = random.choice(np.nonzero(roi_pred)[0])
AU = config.AU_SQUEEZE[int(class_idx)]
choice_activate_map = class_roi_activate_img[int(class_idx)] # roi_h, roi_w
activation_color_map = np.round(cmap(choice_activate_map)[:, :, :3]*255).astype(np.uint8)
overlay_img = roi_images[int(box_id)] / 2 + activation_color_map.transpose(2,0,1) / 2
overlay_img = np.transpose(overlay_img, (1, 2, 0)).astype(np.uint8)
vis_img = cv2.cvtColor(overlay_img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imshow("new", vis_img)
# use_choice = True
# if use_choice:
# for roi_y_idx, y_idx in enumerate(range(y_min, y_max+1)):
# for roi_x_idx, x_idx in enumerate(range(x_min, x_max+1)):
# old_val = image_activate_map[y_idx, x_idx]
# if old_val < choice_activate_map[roi_y_idx, roi_x_idx]:
# image_activate_map[y_idx, x_idx] = choice_activate_map[roi_y_idx, roi_x_idx]
# activation_color_map = np.round(cmap(image_activate_map)[:, :, :3] * 255).astype(np.uint8)
# activation_color_map = activation_color_map.transpose(2,0,1)
# overlay_img = orig_face / 2 + activation_color_map / 2
# overlay_img = np.transpose(overlay_img, (1,2,0)).astype(np.uint8)
# cv2.imshow("new", overlay_img)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
# roi_preds = roi_preds.reshape(box_lst.shape[1], len(config.AU_SQUEEZE)) # shape = R, Y
# roi_preds = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(roi_preds)
# nonzero_idx = np.nonzero(roi_preds)
# activate_couple = set()
# for roi_no in nonzero_idx[0]:
# activate_couple.add(roi_no_AU_couple_dict[roi_no])
# roi_activate = list(activate_couple)
# AUCouple_face_dict = heatmap_gen.generate_AUCouple_ROI_mask_image(database_name=args.database,
# img_path=args.image, roi_activate=roi_activate) # AU couple and face
# preds = np.bitwise_or.reduce(roi_preds, axis=0) # shape = Y
# assert preds.shape[0] == len(config.AU_SQUEEZE)
# image_pred_label = list()
# nonzero_preds = np.nonzero(preds)
# for AU_idx in nonzero_preds[0]:
# image_pred_label.append(config.AU_SQUEEZE[AU_idx])
# show_label_subimage = defaultdict(list)
# for AU_couple in AUCouple_face_dict.keys():
# for AU in AU_couple:
# if AU in image_pred_label:
# show_label_subimage[AU_couple].append(AU)
# total_num = len(show_label_subimage)
# f,ax = plt.subplots(int(math.ceil(total_num/2)),2)
# del_AU_couple = list() # remove the effect of "label fetch", remove unrelated AU
# for AU_couple in AUCouple_face_dict.keys():
# if AU_couple not in show_label_subimage:
# del_AU_couple.append(AU_couple)
# for AU_couple in del_AU_couple:
# del AUCouple_face_dict[AU_couple]
# AUCouple_face_dict = list(AUCouple_face_dict.items())
# assert len(AUCouple_face_dict) == total_num
# for i in range(total_num):
# ax[i//2,i%2].set_title("AU:{}".format(show_label_subimage[AUCouple_face_dict[i][0]]))
# img = AUCouple_face_dict[i][1] # OpenCV is in BGR mode
# img = img[:,:,::-1] # convert BGR to RGB in Channel axis
# ax[i//2,i%2].imshow(img)
if name == "main": main() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Hi all, Thanks for helping each other, I will convert this code to a clean pytorch version. I hope I can make it better to help you and easy to develop for its extension! Do you have any idea or suggestion of current code? The bug & problem of the demo code will also be fixed then.