There are some bugs in various applications which can be observed by viewing the core load separately. For example, a single core will stick at 100% utilization. So, people who...
Ah, very interesting... NextDNS has a larger selection of custom block lists which you could use in that situation, but this service has some different features, so its always good...
The site is currently offline; just a guess but maybe someone's DNS provider returned a domain squatting page with ads when the server did not respond and that is how...
When aggregating the components of a 1.25 hour DASH streaming video after download, the process is surprisingly slow — it takes over 2.5 hours with all 8 cores operating at...
missing issue description, please update your post
Thanks for the info, but this was [reported to lightswitch more than 1 year ago]( and the issue is still open but has been ignored. Then 4 months ago, [the...
This issue is not "completed" and was wrongfully closed by the bot. Please leave it open so that someone else with a developer certificate might hopefully see it and build...