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batdetect2 copied to clipboard

Results 7 batdetect2 issues
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**My files:** Audiomoths have the option to generate a .wav file every X seconds. That can lead (combined with a frequency trigger) to "empty" files. Those are normally around 50kB...

Some of the files my AudioMoth recorded were empty causing the output below. ``` 0 run/media/mikee/boot/20231007_234400.WAV /home/mikee/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/batdetect2/utils/ UserWarning: PySoundFile failed. Trying audioread instead. audio_raw, sampling_rate = librosa.load( /home/mikee/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/librosa/core/ FutureWarning:


Hi. Is there any documentation on the json output and what the fields actually mean. Most I can make a good guess but the actual probability seems to have 2...


Heya, Currently the readme link to finetuning goes to a missing doc. ( Could you point me to the right place?

In the batdetect2 version we are using, there is a typo for the Western barbastelle: it should read "Barbastella barbastellus" instead of "Barbastellus barbastellus".


Hi, an open item on your TODO list is the release of the training data. I would highly appreciate the release to train the model with additional species that we...

I just noticed that when I installed your package using `pip install batdetect2` as well as installing it from source (cloning and `pip install .` that the latest numpy version...