I would leave things as they are in the default config file until you get it all connected and working. Steps and micro steps need to be adjusted based on...
Additionally that appears to be a 1000 step motor. After you get the encoder working set your steps to 1000 and your micro steps to 3. That should be a...
The diagrams are for reference to another use I presume. Notice PUL + and minus, Dir + and minus ,and ena + and minus. Look at James wiring diagram and...
Looking good. Remember those steps it will be easier to troubleshoot later. Sent from my iPad > On Feb 23, 2021, at 23:50, Schaublin12 wrote: > > > Yesterday...
Start increasing your micro steps several at a time until you get 2 rev of the lead screw with one revival the spindle. Sent from my iPhone > On Mar...
Post a picture of your dip switch settings on your stepper driver also.
Try micro steps at 12 and see what you get. Just turn the spindle by hand and mark your stepper pulley. Watch the the pulley and see how many revs...
James, When I turn the rpm’s down the servo runs at high speed for a couple of seconds then returns to normal. It is probably maxed out and just takes...
James, That works. Kicked out at around 500 rpm on the spindle set at 8 tpi. Thanks Mac Sent from my iPad > On Feb 25, 2021, at 18:16, clough42...
Leadscrew 8 tpi, 1000 steps, 12 micro steps, encoder is same as yours. In fact all my components are the same as yours. Running 3 to 1 servo to lead...