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Daroyan is a modern utility tool which integrates CloudFlare with Fail2Ban.


Daroyan is a modern utility tool which integrates CloudFlare with Fail2Ban. It is written in Python3 and use MySQL/MariaDB as database.

Fail2Ban can monitor every hit over NginX web server from NginX access.log. By parsing this log file, we can detect which IP is launching DDOS attack to the server. If you are using CloudFlare, you can block these IP at Web Application Firewall level. Thus CloudFlare will stop these hit before reaching at your server. Daroyan used to do this job.

The name 'Daroyan' has been derived from Bengali dictionary, which means 'Gatekeeper' in English.


  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • mysql-client
  • mysql-server
  • fail2ban
  • unzip



For CentOS 6.x or 7.x, we need to run the following command on terminal to install all requirements:

yum install python3 python3-pip mysql-client mysql-server fail2ban unzip

Now we will install Daroyan. Please run these commands on terminal:

wget https://github.com/maateen/daroyan/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv daroyan-master /etc/daroyan
pip3 install -r /etc/daroyan/requirements.txt

So Daroyan has been installed in /etc/daroyan directory.


For Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, we need to run the following command on terminal to install all requirements:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip mysql-client mysql-server fail2ban unzip

Now we will install Daroyan. Please run these commands on terminal:

wget https://github.com/maateen/daroyan/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv daroyan-master /etc/daroyan
sudo pip3 install -r /etc/daroyan/requirements.txt

So Daroyan has been installed in /etc/daroyan directory.


At first, we will configure our Fail2Ban. Please, open jail.local with this command:

nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

Let's add these section in it:

enabled  = true
filter   = nginx-ddos
action   = daroyan
logpath  = /var/log/nginx/access.log
maxretry = 300
findtime = 60
bantime  = 604800

Now run the following command on terminal:

nano /etc/fail2ban/action.d/daroyan.conf

Paste the following lines in it:

# Fail2Ban configuration file for Daroyan integration


# Option:  actionstart
# Notes.:  command executed once at the start of Fail2Ban.
# Values:  CMD
actionstart = touch /var/log/daroyan/fail2ban.log

# Option:  actionstop
# Notes.:  command executed once at the end of Fail2Ban
# Values:  CMD
actionstop = 

# Option:  actioncheck
# Notes.:  command executed once before each actionban command
# Values:  CMD
actioncheck = 

# Option:  actionban
# Notes.:  command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the
#          command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags:    See jail.conf(5) man page
# Values:  CMD
actionban = printf "<ip>\n" >> /var/log/daroyan/fail2ban.log

# Option:  actionunban
# Notes.:  command executed when unbanning an IP. Take care that the
#          command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags:    See jail.conf(5) man page
# Values:  CMD
actionunban = 


Now run the following command on the terminal:

nano /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/fail2ban-daroyan.conf

Paste the following lines in it:

# Option:  failregex
#          host must be matched by a group named "host". The tag "<HOST>" can
#          be used for standard IP/hostname matching and is only an alias for
#          (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>\S+)
# Values:  TEXT
failregex = ^<HOST> -*
# Option:  ignoreregex
# Notes.:  regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values:  TEXT
ignoreregex =

Fail2Ban has been configured. Now we have to configure Daroyan. Open its config.py with following command:

nano /etc/daroyan/config.py

Please create a MySQL database and user. Then set them properly in config.py.

Now we will use Upstart to ensure that Daroyan runs automatically every time the server is booted or rebooted. So, please run the following command on terminal:

nano /etc/init/daroyan.conf

Paste the following lines in it:

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
    python3 /etc/daroyan/daroyan.py
end script

Now run daroyan with following command:

sudo service daroyan start

That's all.