invoice copied to clipboard
Great project! I took it upon myself to learn GO to help out:
- no dates on items (my clients want to see a date beside each item, a date column is preferred
- an optional time column (e.g. 08:32 to 16:43), some clients want that
- newline support in the --from/--to (so we can include address, phone, etc), or just sep params for addresses
- i don't like having rate as a column as it is redundant, but can see how it would help people with a mix of rates. Flag to turn it off would be nice
- Place for payment terms (e.g. NET 15)
- An optional column for category/project numbers
- A way to toggle on/off all the columns in Items
- A total for Qty at the bottom (for me, each item is in hours, so clients want to see Total Hours)
- (Fix below) - Qty doesn't seem to accept numbers < 1 (e.g. 0.25), so how can i bill for 0.25 hours?
- #32 - A cli parameter to get the version of invoice would be nice when making new issues in Gitlab ;)