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MongoDB Wire Protocol Analysis Tools

mgosniff - MongoDB Wire Protocol Analysis Tools

Reference: MongoDB Wire Protocol


Different from mongosniff, mgosniff acted as a tcp proxy between client and mongodb server. all client request treffic and mongodb server reply traffic will go through mgosniff, mgosniff understand the protocal, so it will do analyse and show what is going on between client and server in human-readable way.


go get


1. start mgosniff
$ mgosniff -h
Usage of mgosniff:
  -d string
    	proxy to dest addr (default "")
  -l string
    	listen port (default ":7017")
  -v	show version
$ mgosniff
2015/11/29 17:01:45 parser.go:278: mgosniff listen at :7017, proxy to mongodb server

now mgosniff running at

2. connect to mgosniff and do some operation
$ cat test.js
$ mongo localhost:7017/testdb test.js
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.7
connecting to: localhost:7017/testdb
	"writeErrors" : [ ],
	"writeConcernErrors" : [ ],
	"nInserted" : 2,
	"nUpserted" : 0,
	"nMatched" : 0,
	"nModified" : 0,
	"nRemoved" : 0,
	"upserted" : [ ]
		"_id" : ObjectId("565abe9375a6567f7febb464"),
		"test1" : 1
		"_id" : ObjectId("565abe9375a6567f7febb465"),
		"test2" : 2
{ "nRemoved" : 1 }
{ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 }
[ { "_id" : ObjectId("565abe9375a6567f7febb465"), "test2" : 3 } ]
3. all request and reply showed in mgosniff log
$ mgosniff
2015/11/29 17:01:45 parser.go:278: mgosniff listen at :7017, proxy to mongodb server
2015/11/29 17:05:48 parser.go:226: [] new client connected
2015/11/29-17:05:48.941042 [] QUERY id:0 coll:admin.$cmd toskip:0 toret:1 flag:0 query:{"whatsmyuri":1} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.942173 [] REPLY to:0 flag:1000 curID:859530373936 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"ok":1,"you":""}
2015/11/29-17:05:48.943920 [] QUERY id:1 coll:admin.$cmd toskip:0 toret:-1 flag:0 query:{"buildinfo":1} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.944697 [] REPLY to:1 flag:1000 curID:859530374608 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"OpenSSLVersion":"","allocator":"system","bits":64,"compilerFlags":"-Wnon-virtual-dtor -Woverloaded-virtual -std=c++11 -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -ggdb -pthread -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Winvalid-pch -pipe -O3 -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-private-field -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare -Wno-unused-const-variable -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override -Wno-potentially-evaluated-expression -Wno-null-conversion -mmacosx-version-min=10.11 -std=c99","debug":false,"gitVersion":"nogitversion","javascriptEngine":"V8","loaderFlags":"","maxBsonObjectSize":16777216,"ok":1,"sysInfo":"Darwin elcapitanvm.local 15.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Wed Aug 26 16:57:32 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.1.106~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49","version":"3.0.7","versionArray":[3,0,7,0]}
2015/11/29-17:05:48.947665 [] QUERY id:2 coll:admin.$cmd toskip:0 toret:-1 flag:0 query:{"isMaster":1} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.951487 [] REPLY to:2 flag:1000 curID:859531149344 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"ismaster":true,"localTime":1448787948948,"maxBsonObjectSize":16777216,"maxMessageSizeBytes":48000000,"maxWireVersion":3,"maxWriteBatchSize":1000,"minWireVersion":0,"ok":1}
2015/11/29-17:05:48.955595 [] QUERY id:3 coll:testdb.$cmd toskip:0 toret:-1 flag:0 query:{"documents":[{"_id":"Vlq/7INZSsRmFzB4","test1":1},{"_id":"Vlq/7INZSsRmFzB5","test2":2}],"insert":"test","ordered":true} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.956259 [] REPLY to:3 flag:1000 curID:859530377472 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"n":2,"ok":1}
2015/11/29-17:05:48.958240 [] QUERY id:4 coll:testdb.test toskip:0 toret:0 flag:0 query:{} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.958764 [] REPLY to:4 flag:1000 curID:859530378112 from:0 reted:2 docs:[{"_id":"Vlq/7INZSsRmFzB4","test1":1},{"_id":"Vlq/7INZSsRmFzB5","test2":2}]
2015/11/29-17:05:48.960042 [] QUERY id:5 coll:testdb.$cmd toskip:0 toret:-1 flag:0 query:{"delete":"test","deletes":[{"limit":0,"q":{"test1":1}}],"ordered":true} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.960553 [] REPLY to:5 flag:1000 curID:859530379024 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"n":1,"ok":1}
2015/11/29-17:05:48.962203 [] QUERY id:6 coll:testdb.$cmd toskip:0 toret:-1 flag:0 query:{"ordered":true,"update":"test","updates":[{"multi":false,"q":{"test2":2},"u":{"$inc":{"test2":1}},"upsert":false}]} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.962794 [] REPLY to:6 flag:1000 curID:859531346320 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"n":1,"nModified":1,"ok":1}
2015/11/29-17:05:48.963472 [] QUERY id:7 coll:testdb.test toskip:0 toret:0 flag:0 query:{} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.963868 [] REPLY to:7 flag:1000 curID:859531347056 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"_id":"Vlq/7INZSsRmFzB5","test2":3}
2015/11/29-17:05:48.964370 [] QUERY id:8 coll:testdb.$cmd toskip:0 toret:-1 flag:0 query:{"drop":"test"} sel:null
2015/11/29-17:05:48.964970 [] REPLY to:8 flag:1000 curID:859531347648 from:0 reted:1 docs:{"nIndexesWas":1,"ns":"testdb.test","ok":1}
2015/11/29 17:05:48 parser.go:252: [] close connection:
2015/11/29 17:05:48 parser.go:252: [] close connection: