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OpenCV Bindings for React Native (Currently in progress)


Currently being developed :)

React Native Bindings for openCV. Yet there are no React Native bindings.

Though you can already use this library to manage your OpenCV dependencies for your native code. You will then be able to use the framework in your native code.

Integrate OpenCV into iOS

  1. Add this lib to your project: yarn add

  2. Add the OpenCV framework to your .xcodeproject's framework searchpaths (Build Settings / Framework Search Paths): ${PROJECT_DIR}/../node_modules/react-native-opencv/ios/Frameworks

I'd like to recommend these tutorials for OpenCV / Objective-C starters: OpenCV iOS¶

Integrate OpenCV into Android

  1. Add this lib to your project: yarn add

  2. Import OpenCV module in Android Studio (File / New / Import Module): /../node_modules/react-native-opencv/android/openCVLibrary340

  3. Configure Module as dependency: File / Project Structure / app / Tab: Dependencies / + / Module Dependency / openCVLibrary340

  4. Change app's build.gradle: implementation project(':openCVLibrary340') to compile project(':openCVLibrary340')

  5. Copy the contents of /../node_modules/react-native-opencv/android/app into ./app (those are the actual android binary files that are required).

You are good to go.