Perhaps @fchasen understood me, it is just a progress bar with percentage while the book is loading. I'm still trying, but nothing.. :(
Well, with a little tweak. First ─& of course─, overflow: hidden; Each page, will have 100% (or vmax) width. With a scroll function e.preventDefault();, you can disable the scroll (since...
Nice answer, Ivsthi. How is this project different from Angular LocalForage? I'm also considering PounchDB, for sync (online & offline) storage. How does LinvoDB behaves trying to synchronize data on...
Any clues?
The problem is in this library. Without including it, it works just fine.
Actually I'm waiting for the 3.0v that @orthes it's developing, full standalone. The current has a lot of libraries on it, like handlebars ─a template system─... and the whole thing...