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[BUG] Double Input in Games
Hi, I've been using SWCID smoothly since 13th Oct, but suddenly yesterday evening I received double input on the controls for Dragon Quest Builders 2.
Here are the issues found:
- left stick -moving left/right cycles through inventory instead of moving the character left and right
- X button - summons virtual keyboard, and gets the game minimized
- Y button - same jumping input as B button
- Right trigger - sometimes has double action with Y (swinging weapon)
So far, all these issues surface in Dragon Quest Builders 2, which allows the use of mouse /trackpad as well as xbox controller input. For games like Fallen Order, which is controller optimized, this problem doesn't surface, although a cursor would appear the first minute or so of the game launching.
I have disabled Lizard mode since installation, and have also attempted to disable the Desktop Mode configuration in Steam outlined in the comment under this Reddit post, but this does not solve the problem
I’m having that X-button issue too. I’m looking for a fix.
Did tiux fix it haha? Same issue press a it pushes a and x press menu loads menu and presses right. Any ideas?
I dont think this can be fixed.
If you have STEAM open you will get DOUBLE inputs, so you can DISABLE the KEYBOARD buttons in the steam-deck-windows-usermode-driver app.
if you dont have STEAM open you can enable the BUTTON clicks since they will not generate double inputs.
HOWEVER with or without steam deck running by DISABLE the KEYBOARD buttons will still make them to work in your games and no double inputs.