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M5StickC Arduino Library
The [LICENSE](LICENSE) file just says `Copyright (c) 2020 M5Stack` which isn't right. For example [In_eSPI.h](https://github.com/m5stack/M5StickC/blob/master/src/utility/In_eSPI.h) is from [TFT_eSPI](https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI/blob/master/license.txt) with various authors whose work is used without any attribution. I assume...
I use MPU6886 and I need to read/write acc/gyro offset value for calibrating IMU. please add these feature to your library. regard
Hi, I want to disable text wrap function but M5.display.setTextWrap( false ) does not works and large text is wrapped over display. What I am doing wrong? Thank You Here...
Hello, I have looked for a good code editor like MU to write my python code and I have been surprised that when I connect my M5StickC Plus to RoverC...
In MahonyAHRS.cpp specify update frequency to 25Hz but the example use delay of 1000 ms. So the algorith is wrong and this code is useless.
When changing the execution core of the task to read IMU (MPU6886) values using `xTaskCreatePinnedToCore` from 1 to 0, the correct value cannot be read from the IMU. In the...
Hello all, I would like to use M5stick to detect voice commands at any time, even without internet. I know there are some frameworks that exist, however, most of them...
NEOFLASH.ino error. Not show data in module, only on display. M5stickc and Neoflash module. Other examples if they work
Instead of \ my Cardkb hats output / if the second from the right button on the 4th row labelled \ / = is pressed. If your atmega firmware is...
I'm using the M5Stick but I find that the WiFi and BLE range is really short. Does anyone else is experiencing the same ?