M5-ProductExampleCodes copied to clipboard
All example codes of products supplied by M5Stack have been collected in this reposity.
comment one line code that is Serial.begin(115200); in setup(). because this line conflict with M5.begin() that include Serial init. tested with M5stack fire and NB-IOT-CN
Hello, could you please give an example of how to get the data returned from the server on a different device, not the Echo, I know it is possible as...
Add dht12 declaration.
The value of the geomagnetism varies from xyz axis to the surrounding environment, so it is necessary to adjust the magnitude. However, please rotate the M5StickC three-dimensionally during the adjustment....
No function works because of a timeout in fpm_sendAndReceive.
https://github.com/m5stack/M5-ProductExampleCodes/blob/fcc2bf58c86aa2502f735c6f60051dfe24861adb/App/IIoT%20Dual/IIoT%20Dual.ino#L51 It appears this line is using the wrong pin, if you compare button codes in loop().
Since the AT Commands Manual is in chinese, and the at commands for connecting to bearer and making http post and get are completely different from sim800l modem, it would...
In the files: - M5-ProductExampleCodes/Hat/tof-hat/Arduino/ToF_Count/ToF_Count.ino - M5-ProductExampleCodes/Unit/TOF/Arduino/MeasureDistance/MeasureDistance.ino - M5-ProductExampleCodes/Unit/TOF/Arduino/TOF_VL53L0X/TOF_VL53L0X.ino there is waiting after a `Wire.requestFrom()`. You may remove all these lines: `while (Wire.available() < 1) delay(1);` In the files: -...