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C++ wrapper for manipulating Windows registry
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Registry namespace
C++ class for manipulating Windows Registry. Wraps & simplifies native Windows API and combines it with power of modern C++11.
Table of contents
- Table of contents
- Root registry keys
- Opening registry keys
- Creating registry keys
- Deleting registry key
- Flush registry
- Save registry key to file
- Check if registry key exists
- Check if registry value exists
- Save boolean value to registry
- Read boolean value from registry
- Save integer value to registry
- Read integer value from registry
- Save string value to registry
- Read string value from registry
- Enumerating registry subkeys
All methods can throw exceptions, if system error occurs!All exceptions thrown are derived from std::exception class, so don't forget to wrap your code with try / catch block.
Root registry keys
Following windows registry root keys are predefined within Registry namespace, and can be accessed directly in your code
Opening registry keys
Existing windows registry key can be opened simply by call to RegistryKey::Open() method specifying path to registry key.
Registry key is closed automatically when RegistryKey object goes out of scope.
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication");
// do work needed
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Registry key is by default opened with read access, same as if you open registry key as follows
auto access = Registry::DesiredAccess::Read;
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication", access);
Desired access for opening registry keys can be combined
auto access = Registry::DesiredAccess::Read | Registry::DesiredAccess::Write;
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication", access);
Creating registry keys
Registry keys can be created in a same way as if they are opened.
Simply by using RegistryKey::Create() method. Usage is same as when opening keys.
You must have sufficient privileges to create registry keys under specific root key. In other case std::system_error exception will be thrown
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto access = Registry::DesiredAccess::Read | Registry::DesiredAccess::Write;
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Create(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication", access);
// do work needed
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
RegistryKey can be created also from native windows registry key handle HKEY.
In case hKey is nullptr, std::invalid_argument is thrown
Registry::RegistryKey_ptr key = std::make_shared<Registry::RegistryKey>(hKey);
Using with native API
RegistryKey has HKEY() operator overloaded, thus can be used with conjunction with native Windows registry API.
Usage is as follows
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication");
DWORD dwValue = 0;
DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwValue);
DWORD dwType;
LSTATUS lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(*key, L"SomeDWORDValue", nullptr, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(&dwValue), &cbData);
if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
Deleting registry key
Flush registry
Save registry key to file
Check if registry key exists
HasKey() or Exists() methods can be used to check, whether registry key contains specified subkey.
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Create(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication");
if (key->HasKey(L"SomeSubKey"))
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Check if registry value exists
To check if windows registry key contains specific value use HasValue() method as follows
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Create(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication");
if (key->HasValue(L"Version"))
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Save boolean value to registry
To save boolean value to registry, use SetBoolean() method as follows
Boolean value is stored in registry as REG_DWORD. 0 for false and 1 for true.
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Create(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication");
key->SetBoolean(L"EnableLogger", true);
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Read boolean value from registry
To read boolean value from registry use GetBoolean() method as follows
RegistryKey class use REG_DWORD registry value data type to work with boolean value. If registry value is 0, false is returned. If registry value is above 0, value of true is returned.
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Create(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication");
auto enabled = key->GetBoolean(L"EnableLogger");
if (enabled)
// do work
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Save integer value to registry
To save signed / unsigned integer values to registry, use one of methods
- SetInt32()
- SetUInt32()
- SetInt64()
- SetUInt64()
as follows
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto access = Registry::DesiredAccess::Write;
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication\\Logger", access);
key->SetInt32(L"Severity", -3);
key->SetUInt32(L"Timeout", 10000);
key->SetInt64(L"SomeBigNumber", -9223372036854775808);
key->SetUInt64(L"Id", 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0);
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Read integer value from registry
To read signed / unsigned integer values from registry, use one of methods
- GetInt32()
- GetUInt32()
- GetInt64()
- GetUInt64()
as follows
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication\\Logger");
std::cout << key->GetInt32(L"Severity") << std::endl;
std::cout << key->GetUInt32(L"Timeout") << std::endl;
std::cout << key->GetInt64(L"SomeBigNumber") << std::endl;
std::cout << key->GetUInt64(L"Id") << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Save string value to registry
To save string value to registry use SetString() method as follows
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto access = Registry::DesiredAccess::Write;
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication\\Logger", access);
key->SetString(L"FileName", L"c:\\Program Files\\MyCompany\\MyApplication\\log.txt");
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Read string value from registry
To read string value from windows registry use GetString() method as follows
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication\\Logger");
auto logFileName = key->GetString(L"FileName");
// work with read value
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Save expandable string value to registry
To save string value to registry use SetExpandString() method in same manner as SetString().
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto access = Registry::DesiredAccess::Write;
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\MyCompany\\MyApplication\\Logger", access);
key->SetExpandString(L"InstallDir", L"%ProgramFiles%\\My Company\\My Product\\");
catch (const std::exception&)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;
Enumerating registry subkeys
Eumerating registry key subkeys is done as follows, using lambda expression
#include <Registry.hpp>
using namespace m4x1m1l14n;
int main()
auto key = Registry::LocalMachine->Open(L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall");
key->EnumerateSubKeys([](const std::wstring& name) -> bool
// Process subkey
std::wcout << name << std::endl;
// Return true to continue processing, false otherwise
return true;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
// handle thrown exception
return 0;