ILGPU copied to clipboard
Exception not thrown with CPU Accelerator
Exception does not seems to be thrown when executing the code on CPU.
For comparison, here is what it looks like when exception thrown on CPU accelerator
note that no error message is written to the console, nor there is an indication of any exception thrown at all. From user's perspective it looks like a debug point hit.
and here is with CUDA accelerator
the exception is thrown on both the console and the Synchronize method.
The only way that I have found to see the exception is to disable "Just my code" debugging in visual studio configuration:
I disable this option by default as it loads a bunch of symbols and it takes a lot of time to debug the program. The result is:
See that there is a local variable that contains an error message. However the code runs and finished just fine with no errors in the console.
I would like to suggest 2 improvements:
- make CPU accelerator "Just my code" debug option agnostic. I would like to be able to see the exception without this option being enabled.
- start writing CPU thrown error message to the console as well? It's just for consistency. Since it's being pushed to the console while running the code on GPU then shouldn't it be the same behavior on CPU?
- This third is not really a suggestion but a question. Is it possible to execute the CPU code in parallel on multiple threads? Similar to how the parallel.for loop allows you to define
. ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount - 1 }
. I have not found a way how to do it in ILGPU. But then again I guess this is not really required since the CPU version of the code is for the debugging only.. or maybe not.
using ILGPU;
using ILGPU.Runtime;
using ILGPU.Runtime.CPU;
using ILGPU.Runtime.Cuda;
using System;
namespace TestingILGpuException
internal class Program
static void Kernel(Index1D i, ArrayView<int> data, ArrayView<int> output)
output[i + 1] = data[i % data.Length];
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize ILGPU.
Context context = Context.CreateDefault();
//Accelerator accelerator = context.CreateCudaAccelerator(0);
Accelerator accelerator = context.CreateCPUAccelerator(0);
// Load the data.
MemoryBuffer1D<int, Stride1D.Dense> deviceData = accelerator.Allocate1D(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });
MemoryBuffer1D<int, Stride1D.Dense> deviceOutput = accelerator.Allocate1D<int>(10_000);
// load / precompile the kernel
Action<Index1D, ArrayView<int>, ArrayView<int>> loadedKernel =
accelerator.LoadAutoGroupedStreamKernel<Index1D, ArrayView<int>, ArrayView<int>>(Kernel);
// finish compiling and tell the accelerator to start computing the kernel
loadedKernel((int)deviceOutput.Length, deviceData.View, deviceOutput.View);
// wait for the accelerator to be finished with whatever it's doing
// in this case it just waits for the kernel to finish.
// moved output data from the GPU to the CPU for output to console
int[] hostOutput = deviceOutput.GetAsArray1D();
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
Console.Write(" ");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
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project is in .Net 7 LTS console application.
hi @pavlexander. The behavior you are seeing is because ILGPU uses Trace.Assert
and Debug.Assert
rather than throw new IndexOutOfRangeException()
ILGPU converts C# code to the instructions that will run on the GPU - in this case, PTX instructions for CUDA. This applies for user code, as well as large parts of ILGPU code. GPU kernels do not support throwing exceptions. In fact, if ILGPU encounters a throw
instruction, it will fail to convert the code.
For the CPU accelerator, you should see the assertion failure written to the Debug window of Visual Studio.
Regarding your other question about running the CPU accelerator in parallel, the CreateCPUAccelerator
method can take an additional parameter of CPUAcceleratorMode
By default, ILGPU will use CPUAcceleratorMode.Auto
. If a debugger is attached, ILGPU will run in sequential mode to make debugging easier. Otherwise, the CPU accelerator will run in parallel.
The number of threads is determined by the GPU device that the CPU accelerator is trying to emulate. This can be changed when configuring the Context